K.C. Waunch Petroleum Consultants Safety Policy
K.C. Waunch Petroleum Consultants Ltd. Is committed to a safe workplace both in the office and in the field. To this end we have developed a comprehensive health and safety plan that is intended to guide our current and future employees, contractors, visitors and clients toward safe work practices. K.C. Waunch Management is responsible for following all legal and industry best practices in creating and enforcing our safety policy as well as providing the tools necessary to report safety events, investigate incidents and apply corrective actions when required. Our contractors, visitors and colleagues are responsible for abiding by our safety policy and all relevant local and federal legislation.
By working for, with or alongside K.C. Waunch Petroleum Consultants Ltd. you agree to follow our key safety commitments and assertions.
- Safety always takes precedence over productivity. In the event an individual or group of individuals feels as though work cannot be carried out in a safe manner we require that operations be stopped until the problem can be addressed. We consider the right to refuse unsafe work as an obligation of all individuals working with K.C. Waunch.
- We require that any potential hazards or safety observations be brought to our attention, even if they do not appear to be immediately critical. This helps us to prevent future unsafe situations before they happen.
- We require that every person be committed to safety in the workplace. A proper safety program is only effective if the people it intends to protect use it!
- Regardless of position or seniority, every individual is equally accountable for their own safety and the safety of those around them. If you see someone doing something unsafe you must stop them and help remedy the situation in an appropriate manner, even if that person is your boss.
- We maintain that all injuries are preventable if the proper planning and preparation is taken before commencing work.
We want everyone working with us, for us and alongside us to go home happy and healthy after every shift. We encourage feedback on how we can further improve our safety policies and procedures.
Pre-job Safety Assessement/Site Inspection
All K.C. Waunch Personnel must complete a pre-job safety form prior to starting their shift and must include observations of their work-site.
Journey Management
Driving is the single most dangerous thing we do on a regular basis. Every time you leave home or the work site while under contract with K.C. Waunch Petroleum Consultants Ltd. you must fill out a journey management form so you can be tracked in the event of an emergency.
Reporting Requirements
Any incident that involves personal injury or property damage to yourself or an incident you have witnessed as a 3rd party must be reported using the incident report form as soon as it is safe to do so. This form will be used to communicate with K.C. Waunch Petroleum as well as our clients in the event of an incident.
Online safety forms
Pre-job safety assessment and near miss report
Journey Managment
Incident Report Form
PPE Damage or Replacement Form
Job Training
Safety Violation Report