The purpose of the Safety manual is to assist in the implementation of the Health, Safety and Environmental Policies of K.C. Waunch Petroleum Consultants Ltd. (referred to throughout this manual and K.C. Waunch).
This Manual details recommendations, which K.C. Waunch shall use a reference for field operations. Upgrading existing procedures to comply with these recommendations will be necessary where it involves safety of human life or protection of the environment.
A good HSE management system provides benefits far beyond the protection of people and the environment. The use of standards and procedures provides a discipline that benefits the entire company, our clients and all those associated with our operations.
K.C. Waunch HSE management system is designed to bring K.C. Waunch into line with the best that our industry promotes and to improve our own awareness, understanding and effectiveness in this subject that is a fundamental requirement for a well run business.
All Subcontractors will be provided with K.C. Waunchs’ Safety Manual. In the appendix of the manual is an acknowledgement form that must be signed and returned to the Calgary office stating that the manual has been read and that the instructions are understood and that it is the subcontractor’s responsibility to abide by them.
The scope of the system covers all personnel involved in K.C. Waunch domestic and international operations, premises under K.C. Waunch control and other people who might be affected by our activities and will feature the eight key elements of any successful HSE program.
- Management Leadership and Organizational Commitment
Hazard Identification and Assessment
Hazard Control
Ongoing Inspections
Qualifications, Orientation and Training
Emergency Response Planning
Accident and Incident Investigation
Program Administration
In addition to the aforementioned, K.C. Waunch HSE Program and this manual will emphasize recommendations made using “shall” are minimum requirements. Nothing in this Safety Manual shall be construed as taking the place of any law, rule or regulation of a relevant government agency.
Throughout this Safety Manual, the words “may”, “should” and “shall” have specific meanings.
“May” indicates one possible course of action,
“Should” indicates a preferred course of action,
“Shall” indicates a mandatory course of action.
The chapter contains the K.C. Waunch Safety, Corporate Safety Policy, Environmental Policy, Hazard Identification and Control Policy, Substance Abuse Guidelines Policy, Investigation Policy, Training Policy, Maintenance Policy and Communications Policy. Following the policies, the individual safety responsibility of Management, Employees, Contractors and Visitors are outlined.
For the purpose of these policies the following definitions apply.
Employee: All people working for K.C. Waunch. This includes former and prospective employees, students, consulting staff involved in collaborative ventures with K.C. Waunch. This also includes visitors and contractors.
Employer: Any supervisor, manager, director, and chief operating officer or commissioner with K.C. Waunch.
To ensure the Safety Objectives and Systems are properly implemented, it is necessary for all employees to be responsible and pro active. All levels of authority are accountable for events and conditions under their control.
The following illustrates the Company organization in respect of health, safety and environment matters. This structure is the same as that for managing operations.
PRESIDENT – Tyler Pubben
FIELD PERSONNEL – All Employees and Consultants of the company
The President is responsible for all HSE policies required by the company. These will be reviewed as required due to a client request or by changes in industry standards or legal requirements.
The President or any contracted HSE Advisor will review all jobs for extraordinary health, safety and security implications as they affect K.C. Waunch personnel.
The President will review all incident reports involving K.C. Waunch personnel.
Upon request from K.C. Waunch personnel, the President will review all operational HSE standards of all parties involved and comment as necessary.
In addition, the president is responsible for:
- Maintaining the office HSE records
- Maintaining the office and field personnel Remedial Action Plan
- Keeping minutes of office HSE meetings
- Ensuring that the Operations and Support personnel have received appropriate HSE training
- The president will be the first point of contact for all field-related matters. In their absence, contact will be made with the Project Managers or the President.
- The president is responsible for ensuring policy implementation and for discussing deficiencies and weaknesses with the President where are identified.
- The president will review all incident reports involving K.C. Waunch personnel.
- The president will maintain the Hazard Register, which shall contain all hazards directly related to the activities of K.C. Waunch personnel.
The president is responsible for ensuring that the Operations Personnel for whom they are responsible have received appropriate training and understand their own operational responsibilities with regard to HSE.
K.C. Waunch undertakes to train all those involved in our operations to the minimum required by the law or industry standards.
In addition, training courses that can be identified as being of benefit to the company by making personnel more professional and able to do their job better will also be examined.
In principle, everybody is expected to keep themselves up to date professionally and to improve themselves. A budget will be set each year to provide incentives to do that.
All employees and contractors
Every employee is expected to take reasonable care to protect their health and the health and of other workers present at the site. Additional responsibilities include:
- Be familiar and comply with all company policies, regulations, and safe work practices pertaining to your work.
- Refuse to perform work that poses or may pose imminent danger.
- Report all potential hazards, unsafe work practices, incidents/accidents, injuries and illness to your immediate lead operator.
- Participate in all training offered by the company, either on or off the worksite.
- Use and maintain the designated safety equipment as required to minimize or control the hazards, and
- Be familiar with the location, type, and operations of emergency equipment at each job site.
Contractor specific requirements
In addition to the previous section regarding all employees and contractors, contractors are also specifically responsible for:
- Ensure that your equipment meets the company safety and maintenance standards.
- Ensure that your equipment meets Government operations requirements.
- Follow the instructions of the site supervisor or personnel escort.
- Wear personal protective equipment when required.
- Never walk about a worksite unescorted.
Here at K.C. Waunch, we are dedicated and committed to providing our customers with the utmost in service excellence, productivity and fair pricing. It has been our experience that building a successful reputation in the service industry not only involves commitment and dedication, but a commitment to excellence and productivity; our qualified team works towards providing and ensuring the high technical standards that our clients have always expected from us. Our staff has also maintained an avid interest in the preservation and enhancement of environmental issues and concerns, and they are willing to provide resources necessary to protect our earth.
K.C. Waunch has continued to develop a proactive approach to safety. Our company has applied modern technology to successfully manage a portfolio of projects diverse in both size and complexity.
A Company, and ultimately its success, is based above all else on the quality and well being of its employees. To this end, K.C. Waunch recognizes that a safe and healthy working environment is a priority above all other company goals.
Additionally, all managers, employees and contractors are responsible for adhering to K.C. Waunch Safety and Operating Policy. This will ensure that employees, clients, property, the environment and the public are protected from loss.
Our safety management program goals are designed to maintain and promote the “guiding principles” for worker safety in the petroleum industry. All employees will participate in identifying safety needs and developing safe work procedures.
Those individuals who knowingly disobey safety rules, violate regulatory requirements, or endanger others through negligence will be held accountable for their actions. This may include disciplinary or legal action, dismissal and liability under the law.
Management is responsible for incorporating all applicable legislation into the safety program and complying with it.
Supervisors are responsible for prioritizing safety needs, provide training, supplying or wearing safety or personal equipment, investigating hazardous conditions and accidents and keeping records.
All employees and consultants on worksites are responsible for obeying all safety rules, following recommended work practices, utilizing personal protective equipment (PPE), participating in in-house safety training programs, and informing supervisors and fellow workers of unsafe work conditions. Everyone has the right and responsibility to refuse unsafe work.
Visitors to our home/office or any other site under our control must follow all applicable policies and procedures of our safety program.
We all share the benefits of a safe workplace. Not only are our workers protected, but their families, friends and fellow workers are as well.
We invite all stakeholders to participate fully in the success of this policy.
HSE statistics will be reviewed when selecting prospective contractors, including a clearance letter from the Workers’ Compensation Board and a current rate sheet.
Proof of auto insurance – minimum $5 million liability insurance required
Proof of Commercial General Liability Insurance – minimum $5 million required
Site orientation will be provided to contractors
Whenever possible pre-job meetings, pre-spud meetings will be attended by contractors
Post job performance reviews for contractors will be discussed with the client and the contractor Proof of auto insurance – minimum $5 million liability insurance required
Proof of Commercial General Liability Insurance – minimum $5 million required
The goal of K.C. Waunch, its Management, Employees and Consultants is to ensure the health and safety of our employees, and all others who may be affected by our operations.
K.C. Waunch is further committed to protecting the environment and safeguarding human health in all our endeavours.
To accomplish this goal K.C. Waunch will:
- Comply with all applicable legislation;
- Establish the Management Systems and implement the procedures necessary to comply with all applicable legislation;
- Assess the potential impairment of environmental and public health resulting from our operations and seek the effective reduction of identified risks;
- Be responsive and sensitive to community concerns and provide needed information in a timely manner to meet these concerns;
- Plan for appropriate emergency response to minimize negative consequences and implement remedial measures in an efficient and effective manner, in the event that Company activities result in environmental damage;
- Encourage the development and use of technology to improve the Company’s ability to protect the environment and maintain public health and safety.
In order to achieve our environmental goal, K.C. Waunch will periodically review its policies, procedures and systems with the intent of constant improvement. We solicit suggestions and recommendations from all employees as part of the on-going and active process. We request your cooperation and expect your commitment to this goal.
All work performed by K.C. Waunch and its personnel, will be carried out accordingly to the Guiding Principles.
We, the members of the petroleum industry have a responsibility to protect all workers engaged in its activities from personal injury and health hazards. To meet our responsibility we will operate under the following guiding principles:
The operating company, when acting as prime contractor, is responsible for coordination and general supervision of all activities at the worksite, including activities carried out by contractors, consultants and suppliers. While all parties have a responsibility to promote worker safety, the operating company recognizes it has a leadership role in promoting worker health and safety, on the basis that it has the greatest power to influence work site situations.
Safety of all personnel is of vital importance and activities will be conducted on that basis, whether an operating client, a contractor, a consultant or a supplier employs these personnel.
The process of selecting contractors, consultants and suppliers and the administration of contracts will include recognition and support of good safety performance to their employees.
K.C. Waunch, in cooperation with others within the industry, will promote methods and practices that have potential for improving safety performance.
As part of K. C. Waunch general safety policy, these Guiding Principles are contained in the new employee handbook and discussed with each new worker.
The Drug and Alcohol Policy has been signed by senior management indicating the approval of K. C. Waunch Petroleum Consultants Ltd
K.C. Waunch is committed to having a safe workplace. Employees are required to report Fit for Work and remain Fit for Work during their shift. Management will be provided training on recognition of impairment and appropriate response procedures.
Employees may request assistance for a drug or alcohol problem. K.C. Waunch will provide information relating to prevention, assessment, treatment and aftercare support for workers who may have a drug or alcohol problem and have requested such information. Employees are encouraged to seek assistance from K.C. Waunch management, their personal physician or appropriate community service before job performance is affected.
Where an employee has accessed treatment they must fully participate as the program requires and participate in after program care. Work schedules may be adjusted within reasonable limits to accommodate the period of time the employee is required to attend a treatment or counseling program. Employees should understand that accessing a program does not waive the requirement to maintain safe and acceptable performance levels.
The company reserves the right to conduct Alcohol and Drug testing. Workers may be subject to testing based on:
- Pre-access testing, although K.C. Waunch does not pre-screen test, it may be required by hiring clients
- Reasonable grounds testing
- Post incident/near miss testing
Return to work and follow up testing
The testing protocols and limits will be consistent with the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration and the U.S. Department of Transportation. All records of drug and alcohol testing will be considered strictly confidential. Access will be restricted to management and those persons who are required to have access.
All workers conducting any field operations during their shift shall be considered to be in a safety-sensitive position.
Non-Prescription Drugs
This policy refers to the use and/or possession of non-prescription drugs on the job. These non-prescription drugs are defined as:
- Drugs or other chemical substances purchased over-the-counter that have the potential to cause a detrimental effect on the employee’s normal performance and cause an “unsafe condition” on the job site.
- Drugs or other substances procured illegally.
The list of drugs or other chemical substances will include but it not specifically limited to:
- Amphetamines Barbiturates Antihistamine
- Narcotics Tranquilizers Alcohol
K.C. Waunch will not tolerate the use or possession of the above-mentioned drugs or other chemical substances on property that is owned or operated for the benefit of the company, or any of our customer’s properties.
Employees who violate this policy will be placed on immediate suspension pending an investigation by management.
An employee or contractor of K.C. Waunch will not accept relief from another employee or contractor who, in the opinion of the employee or contractor on duty, is under the influence of a drug or other chemical substance mentioned in this policy or, in any other way not capable of performing their job function.
The employee or contractor on duty will immediately contact his/her supervisor for direction regarding the incident.
Although there is no pre-screening of K.C. Waunch employees or consultants, “reasonable cause” testing will be carried out. Any testing on K.C. Waunch employees or consultants will be done under the direction of K.C. Waunch.
K.C. Waunch will inform consultants of clients Drug and Alcohol policies.
Prescription Drugs
Employees and/or sub-contractors who are under the treatment of a physician and are required to take prescription drugs or other chemical substances for the express purpose of medical treatment will be required to provide a letter from the physician that states:
Mr/Mrs/Ms _________________, an employee or contractor of K.C. Waunch is under my care and required to take specific medication for treatment. It is my opinion that the medications taken (will) (will not) detrimentally affect his/her job performance.
Physician ____________________________
This letter will be required only for employees and/or consultants, who in the normal course of their job are required to work alone, operate moving equipment or, are otherwise in a position where they have specific control over health and safety risks to themselves or other workers.
Because of the potential risks involved, the management of K.C. Waunch will provide an administrative response to the situation. This response may include:
- Re-assignment of the employee or consultant to a position of lesser risk for the duration of the medical treatment. This re-assignment will be temporary and will not involve a loss in pay or benefits.
- Placement of the employee or contractor on medical or compensation “time off”.
- Provide a competent person to assist the employee or contractor with the normal completion of his/her duties.
- In the case of a contractor, request that the contracting company provide a competent replacement person at their expense.
Smoking refers to cigarette, pipe and/or cigar smoking.
Office Environment
Smoking is not permitted in private offices or anywhere within our home/ office building. All employees who wish to smoke need to do so outdoors and away from the K.C. Waunch building.
Field Environment
Smoking is not permitted within 25 meters of a well, separator, oil storage tank or other unprotected source ignitable vapour or on a rig or derrick at a well site.
Field Offices or Off-Site Locations
Being under the influence of a drug or alcohol or the inappropriate use of medications while on the job may pose safety and health risks, not only to the user but to all those who work with or come in contact with the user. In order to minimize the risk of impaired performance due to inappropriate substance use, compliance to the following is expected.
- The use, possession, offering, or sale of illicit drugs, illicit drug paraphernalia is strictly prohibited while at work or on company or a customer’s property.
- Presence in the body of illicit drugs, non-prescribed drugs for which a prescription is legally required in Canada or their metabolites is prohibited.
- Being unfit for work due to the intentional misuse of prescribed medications, over-the-counter medications or other substances is prohibited.
- Being unfit for work due to the use or after-effects of alcohol, illicit drugs, non prescribed drugs for which a prescription is legally required in Canada, or the intentional misuse of medications is prohibited.
Being unfit for work due to the effects of the legitimate use of prescription or over-the-counter medications is prohibited. Employees have the responsibility to manage potential impairment during working hours due to the legitimate use of medications in consultation with their personal physician or pharmacist.
Any illegal substances found on company property will be turned over to the police and criminal prosecution may result. Non-compliance with the K.C. Waunch “Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy” may lead to termination of employment.
K.C. Waunch is committed to providing a safe workplace for our employees. To accomplish this, we must have the cooperation of everyone. To report a hazard, verbally point the situation to management or the appropriate supervisor. Written memos are also encouraged. All company vehicles and facilities will have copies of a hazard report form, and shall be used to note unsafe conditions or procedures.
After an unsafe situation is noted to management, steps will be taken as soon as possible to correct defects. After the defect is corrected, we will point out the correction to employees and have a written memo kept on file to prevent reoccurrence.
At safety meetings we will be discussing unsafe conditions around the office or on the location. Persons will be delegated to correct defects and then we will review these occurrences at the next meeting and use a check off system to keep a record of the correction.
Any unsafe condition must be reported, with no exceptions. If you are not sure if a condition is of an unsafe nature, point it out to management and let us help decide if an unsafe condition exists.
Incidents: are defined as near misses or almost an accident.
Accidents: cause damage or injury to a person or property and cause loss of production.
At K.C. Waunch all incidents and accidents are to be reported to the safety supervisor or management. All reports will be investigated to determine the cause. Incident and Accident reporting and investigation should be viewed as “fact-finding” rather than a “fault-finding” activity. Therefore, the primary purpose is to determine the cause(s) of the incident/accident so that a recurrence may be avoided.
Investigation of incidents and accidents will be the responsibility of safety supervisor and results will be thoroughly studied.
The investigation will involve collecting and assembling evidence. Things we will be looking for are any failed parts, and paperwork pertaining to the accident or incident (e.g. Tool reports, pressure tests, and vehicle inspections). Also we will talk to and take statements from any persons around the situation and their proximity to what happened.
Any evidence collected will be thoroughly analyzed to see if we can determine any cause or equipment failures that any have contributed to the incident.
After we thoroughly investigate the incident or accident we can make recommendations to prevent any reoccurrence. A written report will be made and presented to management for evaluation. After evaluation we can make any corrections or changes to our procedure and equipment that may help prevent another situation.
All trucks, tools and equipment shall be properly maintained to reduce a risk of injury to employees or damage to property. Preventative maintenance is an important part of the maintenance and safety programs. To ensure these programs are enforced and documented the following apply:
- All trucks and equipment will be serviced as per manufactures specifications and documented in the individual’s maintenance logs/records.
It is the responsibility of the contractor assigning the trucks, tools and equipment or subcontractor who owns the vehicle to ensure these procedures are followed.
- Ensure Lockout/Tagout procedures are followed for any maintenance.
The management at K.C. Waunch will meet with employees regularly to discuss our safety program, review its policies, solicit new ideas and reinforce our commitment to safety.
Monthly meetings will be attended by management and will give employees the opportunity to forward any concerns they may have concerning our safety program.
To communicate our commitment to safety, management at K.C. Waunch will be doing different things to update our safety program. Some of these will include working tours and jobsite evaluations. We will have monthly safety meetings, use memos, provide detailed orientation for new employees and recognize workers who work safely.
K.C. Waunch will provide regular feedback to all employees on safety performance or concerns. Management is responsible for providing and maintaining a safe work environment, however doing so is the responsibility of everyone. This means that onus is on employees, contractors, visitors or anyone who is present at our home/office or on a jobsite shared by K.C. Waunch.
Communication procedures
Through communication our company can benefit by ensuring every employee knows how to work safely. Good communication creates an opportunity for employees to provide feedback on a company’s safety and training programs.
Examples of communication to be used at K.C. Waunch are:
- Attending company safety meetings/pre job meetings when required
- Verbal suggestions from management and employees
Topics discussed will include:
- Company policies
- Safety rules
- Standard work procedures
- Results of safety program and audits
- Accident and incident reporting and investigation
- Training programs
- Hazard reports
- Emergency procedures
General Safety Meetings
It is important that all employees participate in these meetings in order to promote a safer/healthier workplace. Safety meetings are held to discuss and review unsafe/safe conditions, unsafe/safe practices, accidents and near mishaps. They provide a forum to recommend corrective measures, to demonstrate safe work procedures, and to review and discuss OH&S, ERCB, and company regulations or any information that pertains to safety. They are utilized to obtain comments from employees on the effectiveness of policies, safety rules, and standard work procedures.
Attendance records and minutes shall be kept. Managers will assign responsibility and completion dates for items or issues, which require action. Meeting minutes will be kept on file for a twelve-month period.
The following are recommended Safety Meeting requirements:
- Monthly safety meetings
- Pre-job meetings
Safety meetings are an important aspect of your overall safety program. It is important that all applicable employees participate in these meetings as they serve to promote a safer workplace.
These are held to discuss and review unsafe conditions, unsafe practices, and accidents and near mishaps. They provide a forum to recommend corrective measures, to demonstrate safe work procedures, and to review and discuss OH&S and company regulations or any information that pertains to safety. They are further utilized to obtain comments from employees on the effectiveness of policies, safety rules, standard work procedures etc.; on how well these are understood, and on suggestions for improvements to work place safety.
General safety meetings are to be held monthly at the call of the applicable manager. Additional meetings may be held if they are warranted. Those employees that miss the safety meeting can read the posted safety minutes and sign off on an attached form.
When practical, agendas should be prepared in advance and posted on bulletin boards. This will allow employees to add items to the agenda they feel are important.
The monthly safety meetings may be used to discuss topics such as:
- Review of minutes from past meetings
- Emergency response procedures and practices
- Review of safe operating procedures (SOP)
- Review of material safety data sheets (MSDS)
- Unsafe practices and how to correct them
- Review of near misses, injuries, and vehicle accidents
- Safety information and bulletins
- Any other topic appropriate to safety in the workplace
- Off-the-job safety topics
Safety meetings need to be presented in a manner not to intimidate the employees. In fact employee participation is needed to stimulate safety issue presentation. Each meeting should start with an attendance record taken of all participants. Visitors are encouraged to attend if they are in the office. The purpose of the attendance is to identify employee participation in the meetings.
The second topic, Old Business, should be the review of the last safety meeting and any old issues that have been resolved. In this topic, a safety issue that was presented in an earlier meeting and was unresolved at the time or required further examination of the issue can be resolved. If the issue has not been resolved, then the assigned individual may give an update as to the present situation of the issue. In this manner, safety issues do not become lost on the back burner or unresolved.
By reviewing the last minutes, an employee that may have forgotten the issue may have some relevant information to add to the topic.
The third topic labelled New Business, would address any safety concerns that have arisen during the last month. Each employee may have observed a hazardous condition or been made aware of an issue that may affect the operation of the company. Most employees are reluctant to speak up on these issues either from peer pressure or shyness. A list of methods to get the issues presented is:
- Identify an employee that is respected by the group and get him to initiate a discussion
- Make use of a safety suggestion box in the shop and encourage employees to drop off their concerns
- Start a topic yourself that has relevance to an issue concerning the employees
- Ask each employee if they have any safety concerns
- If an employee voices a concern, allow time for a discussion, do not shut the employee down, as this will only silence any other employee
Additional sources of safety topics can be:
- Discuss any recent accidents/incidents and the determining factor that caused the situation
- Review accident/incident statistics and discuss identified hazards of these statistics. These could be weather conditions, road conditions, traffic conditions, etc.
- Discuss any accident/incident that may have happened in the industry
- Review any new legislation or pending legislation that could affect the employees or the company
- Review safety publications for pertinent issues that could affect company operations
- Have a guest speaker give a presentation on an issue that affects the company
- Identify the hazards associated with the changing seasons
- Show a safety video loaded from the OH&S or other agency that may affect the operations of your company. Remember a pictures is worth a thousand words
There are a few basic rules to managing a safety meeting:
- At all times, control the meeting. Allow a discussion on an issue to proceed as long as it remains on topic. If the topic starts to wander, guide it back or change the issue. If discussions reach a point where they start to beat a dead horse, change the subject.
- Keep the discussions and topics on safety issues. Most organizations will allow an operational meeting to be conducted following a safety meeting. If an operational topic comes up, have the employee reserve the topic for the operation meeting.
- Keep an eye on the time, meetings should be long enough to identify and address any safety concerns. If extra time is going to be required, assign an employee to investigate the issue further and get back to you. If the issue is important enough, schedule another meeting to address this concern.
- Try to keep the meeting informative; this can be hard due to the dry nature of some safety issues.
- Encourage employee involvement. Have an employee review a section of the safety manual each meeting. Rotate the responsibility of running the safety meeting to other employees.
Minutes of Safety Meetings
All pre-job-meeting minutes will be signed by all personnel in attendance. Meeting minutes will be filed by date.
Safety meeting minutes will be signed by all personnel in attendance. Meeting minutes will be filed by date. For those employees and consultants absent from the safety meeting, the minutes will be photocopied and put in their cheques at the end of their pay period. Safety meeting minutes are signed by the President and attached to the safety bulletin board in the office.
The most important fact is holding a safety meeting as a positive approach to safety issues, not as a requirement of governmental legislation.
Pre-Job Safety Meetings
Pre-job safety meetings are held prior to any work commencing and travelling to any job site location prior to beginning any job with a potential hazard and any job, which may be unfamiliar to the employees performing the work. Regarding work site jobs, all employees and consultants participating in the work shall attend this meeting.
As a representative of K.C. Waunch all employees and consultants are required to be both professional and responsible in the performance of their duties. This includes:
- Report to work rested and alert.
- Behave in a controlled manner; practical jokes and horseplay will not be tolerated.
- Possession of firearms or other weapons at K.C. Waunch offices, client worksites, and company vehicles are strictly prohibited (except where permitted by management).
- Where there is a danger of contact with moving parts of machinery, or, in any work process where similar work hazard exist:
- Close fitting clothing shall be worn
- Head and facial hair shall be completely confined or cut short and
- Dangling neckwear, jewellery (such as large gold chains and pendants etc.) or other similar items shall not be worn.
- Employees required to work in the field must be clean-shaven. “Beards or excess facial hair will prevent the effective seal on a face mask.”
- Observe no smoking rules, to prevent ignition of any flammable or combustible sources. This includes; well sites, gas plants, ambulances, and hydrocarbon storage facilities.
- All field consultants will keep the well site shack clean at all times.
- Workers must be physically capable and qualified/competent to perform their jobs.
Sexual Harassment means a conduct, comment, gesture or content of a sexual nature or one directed due to an individual’s gender or sexual orientation that is likely to cause offence or humiliation to any employee, or that might, on reasonable grounds, be perceived by that employee as placing a condition of a sexual nature on employment or on any opportunity for training or promotion.
Every employee and contractor of K.C. Waunch is entitled to employment free of Sexual Harassment.
K.C. Waunch shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that no employee is subject to Sexual Harassment. Any employee of K.C. Waunch that subjects a fellow employee to Sexual Harassment, as defined above, is subject to disciplinary measures.
Any complaints concerning Sexual Harassment may be brought to the attention of Tyler Pubben, President or if that is not possible should be brought to the attention of the appropriate regulatory body with no risk of persecution by K.C. Waunch Petroleum Consultants Ltd.
The purpose of the K.C. Waunch Workplace Violence Policy is to prevent and protect its employees from workplace violence. This document outlines the policy, roles and responsibilities of all K.C. Waunch employees and the related procedures.
Policy Statement
K.C. Waunch recognizes the potential for violent acts or threats directed against staff at the workplace by other K.C. Waunch employees or any other person at the workplace. K.C. Waunch is committed to working with its employees to maintain a work environment free from violence while upholding the dignity and respect of all employees.
Our Preventing Workplace Violence Policy will:
- Enable employees to work in a safe and healthy workplace environment.
Provide a consistent and focused approach on preventing workplace violence.
Provide the framework for an appropriate response to threats and violence.
Require prompt and accurate reporting of all violence and threats as defined below.
K.C. Waunch prohibits retaliation against any employee or consultant who in good faith reports violation of this policy. K.C. Waunch is committed to protecting safety and anonymity.
K.C. Waunch strives to:
- Recognize changes in the daily operations or organization that could affect levels of workplace aggression
Respect and protect the interest of all parties
Promote and sustain a safe and healthy work environment
Promote and sustain a Work Place Violence Protection program
- Employee
- Employer
The authority for this policy comes from the President of K.C. Waunch, Tyler Pubben.
Note: K.C. Waunch has ZERO TOLERENCE regarding the above.
Any negligent act or behaviour, as well as all incidents in which an employee is assaulted, abused or threatened in the work setting or continuing from the work setting. It includes but is not limited to:
- Beatings, stabbings, suicides, shootings, rapes and near suicides;
Acts causing psychological trauma such as threats, obscene phone calls, mental cruelty and intimidation and threatening hand gestures or body language
Behaviour which gives a person reason to believe that he or she or any other person is at risk of injury.
The aggressor may be any employee at any level of the organization, someone with whom you have a personal relationship, a stranger, a client, a contractor or a visitor.
Workplace: A place where an employee is engaged in work for the employee’s employer. (Canada Labour Code Part II 122 (1)). This is not necessarily a building or structure; it is a “place” where an employee is engaged in “work” for the employer.
Types of threats (verbal, written, or telephone):
- Veiled: Non-specific threats to the victim from the perpetrator, e.g., “I hope you don’t have an accident” or “you better watch out” or “actions like this can lead to violence”.
Conditional: Threats of violence to the victim by the perpetrator if the victim does or doesn’t do something, e.g., “If you tell management, I’ll punch you”.
Direct: Direct threats to the victim from the perpetrator, e.g. “I’ll hurt you” or “I’ll kill you”.
Compliance with this policy is mandatory and in accordance with all existing legislation, other employer policies and initiatives. Infractions will be considered to be misconduct and appropriate remedies will be imposed.
Victims of workplace violence are advised to consult a health professional for treatment or referral
The following insurance safeguards are put in place to protect the Company, our Field Personnel and our Clients.
The Company will carry Workers’ Compensation coverage for all Field Personnel operating as sole proprietors. Any Field Personnel who are incorporated will arrange their own WCB coverage and must report their WCB number to the Company and be prepared to submit Clearance Letters at any time.
Company will carry Commercial General Liability Insurance for all Field Personnel, covering bodily injury, (including death) and property damage (including loss of or loss of use of property) with a combined single minimum limit of $5,000,000 per occurrence.
All Field Personnel will carry their own Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, hired and non-owned vehicles used directly in connection with their work, covering bodily injury (including death) and property damage (including loss or loss of use of property) with a combined single limit of $2,000,000 per occurrence.
In the oil field industry, workers often have to work alone. This means that each person needs to take more responsibility for their own safety. You should think out the job carefully in advance, so that possible accidents can be prevented before they happen. You are also required to make sure that the main office is aware of your plans and timing. Set up a schedule to call/report in and stick to the timing.
All employees and consultants are trained in the hazards of their job as per K.C. Waunch job procedures, policies and on-the-job training.
Working Alone Procedure
- Personnel working alone shall develop an anticipated travel/work itinerary defining their job activities, routines, and destinations.
The extent of check in times shall be assessed and based on these activities as well as distance to be traveled, remote locations, weather conditions, road conditions, etc.
Information shall be provided to any predefined, cognizant employees who shall assume responsibility for ensuring the travelling employees safe arrival.
If the employee fails to check in within an appropriate time frame of the predefined schedule, the Manager or other senior management shall be advised.
The Manager shall assess the situation and evaluate the need for emergency response requirements are in order.
If emergency response requirements are in order, the individual in charge shall dispatch personnel from the nearest corporate location after providing all pertinent information for effective response requirements.
Weather conditions shall be evaluated in all cases prior to dispatch of personnel.
Worker must carry cell phone or electronic monitoring device at all times
- If electronic communication is no practicable, for instance, during travel to worksite, then communication schedules will be setup for when worker leaves a certain area and arrives at the destination. If no communication is received, then workers from nearby sites will visit the worker and report back to the company
The safety information documented in this manual serves as a guideline to safe work practices. As outlined in our safety policy, safety holds a high priority in all company operations. Infractions of applicable government rules or regulations or company policies, procedures, practices or rules will lead to disciplinary action against the employee who commits the infraction.
Depending on the severity and/or frequency of an offence, disciplinary action will constitute one of the following:
A warning administered verbally to the employee who has violated company policy and thereby jeopardized safety. A written record of the infraction and of the verbal warning issued will be kept in the employee’s file.
A written warning will be given, documenting the violation and outlining the action to be taken, if compliance is not adhered to. A copy of the written warning will be kept in the employee’s file.
The employee may be suspended from his duties for a specific time frame. Documentation will accompany this action.
The employee may be removed from the worksite and/or dismissed from all work with the company. This action will only be considered following severe breaches of company rules and/or regulations. (i.e. infractions of the substance abuse policy or conduct that endangers employees and/or equipment).
In all cases management will work with all employees to gain commitment to injury prevention and reduction activities, and in doing so, gain compliance to safety rules and regulations. Manager will administer disciplinary action.
An Enforcement Program is in effect to reinforce our safety program. It includes information about our safety program, the Reinforcement of our safe work habits, the Correction of Violations, and the Consequences of Repeat Violators.
First time violators will receive a verbal warning and a review of safe work policies.
Second time violators will be given a written reprimand and a review of safety policies.
Third offenders will be relieved of their duties with the company.
Hopefully employees will adhere to job responsibilities and safety policies and these policies will never have to be implemented.
General Disclaimers
K.C. Waunch is not responsible for loss or theft of an employee’s personal property or damage to an employee vehicle, while parked on company or client property.
Parking Guidelines
The manager shall designate an area as K.C. Waunch employee parking. Parking areas must be a safe distance from the normal vehicular traffic flow.
Employees shall abide by all local management directives regarding the security of personnel property and information.
All thefts, burglaries and vandalism incidents shall be reported as soon as possible to the Supervisor.
Employees shall keep alert to unauthorized entries or other suspicious activities and report it to the Supervisor.
Gates, padlocks and other site security equipment shall be maintained in good operating condition.
Behavior Based Safety / Job Observations Policy
K.C. Waunch believes that behavior based safety is another important tool to improve the work place safety of all employees. Behavior Based Safety recognizes that in the majority of incidents it is the behavior of the persons involved that is a prime contributor to the incident. It is a process in which behaviors in the workplace are monitored and assessed to determine safe behaviors and those behaviors which should be changed in order to improve safety.
Employees with strong interpersonal skills and a desire to enhance work place safety are chosen to act as observers. They will be provided training on how to conduct effective job observations. Their primary focus will be on behaviors being performed safely, keeping the process positive. When the behaviors related to safety importance are identified these behaviors are then communicated to the workers in a positive way. Safe behavior will be noted and encouraged. A behavior documentation list will be provided to document predetermined behaviors. This data will allow for analysis to determine where there are opportunities to improve safe behavior and modify unsafe behavior. Employees will be given feedback after being observed and have the opportunity to respond. As well, this information will be shared with all employees and all workers will be encouraged to provide their personal feedback.
This section contains the K.C. Waunch’s Hazard Identification, Control, and Reporting program, Inspection program, and Auditing program.
K.C. Waunch is committed to providing a safe workplace for our employees. To accomplish this, we must have cooperation of everyone. To report a hazard, verbally point out situations to management or the safety supervisor. Written memos are also encouraged. All client facilities will have copies of our hazard report forms, and shall be used to not unsafe conditions or procedures.
After an unsafe situation is noted to management, steps will be taken as soon as possible to correct defects. After the defect is corrected, we will point our correction to employees and have a written memo kept on file to prevent reoccurrence.
At safety meetings we will be discussing unsafe conditions around the shop or on the location. Persons will be delegated to correct defects and then we will review these occurrences at the next meeting and use a check off system to keep a record or correction.
Any unsafe condition must be reported. No Exceptions. If you are not sure if a condition is of an unsafe nature, point out to management and let us help decide if an unsafe condition exists.
Hazard assessment and detection procedures
Workplace hazards are evident in the majority of industries. The oilfield service is no exception. In order to minimize ‘losses” to personnel, property, equipment and materials, the hazards must be identified, evaluated and controlled. The type of workplace hazards that personnel working for K.C. Waunch may be exposed to are essentially physical or chemical hazards. All employees/consultants will be trained and educated on hazard identification and risk assessment.
Physical Hazards
- Excessive level of radiation, noise vibration, heat, cold, pressure, flammable materials and corrosives.
Chemical Hazards
- Excessive airborne concentrations of mists, gases, vapours, fumes, dusts and fibres.
Hazard Identification
The identification of workplace hazards will be the responsibility of all managers, employees and sub-contractors of K.C. Waunch. A Job Hazard Analysis(JHA), or Job Safety Analysis(JSA), should be performed before work begins to formally identify and assess hazards. Hazard assessments and JHAs/JSAs should be updated whenever changes occur to processes, equipment, and/or facilities. The identifications may be made by:
- Site inspections
- Vehicle and equipment inspections
- Analysis of specific job descriptions, safe work procedures, and Codes of Practice
- Discussion with employees and contractors
- Observing specific jobs
- Review of accident and incident reports
- Concern report forms.
Hazard Evaluation and Risk Analysis
After the initial identification has been performed, a hazard evaluation and risk analysis will be completed in order to identify high-risk jobs and workers who are considered to be at high risk. This information is required for the development of control programs.
The information required on the hazard evaluation and risk analysis will include:
- Physical state of the hazard
- Expected volume and maximum concentration of material
- Worker/hazard interface
- Time duration and frequency of exposure
- Availability of engineering controls to detect and control worker exposure
- Availability and use of personal protective equipment
- Availability and use of site protection equipment.
Development of Hazard Control Programs
The control of workplace hazards may be performed in several ways depending on the type and size of the hazard. The control measures may require a combination of engineering and administrative controls or the use of personal protective equipment in order for the program to be effective and cost effective.
Engineering controls include the following:
- Substitution of a less harmful material
- Isolation or enclosure of the worker or the process
- Installation of abnormal operations sensors and emergency shut down devices
- Dilution or local exhaust ventilation
- Use of specialized materials in the construction of the process
- Use of blocks or barricades to prevent work contact.
Administration Controls
Administration controls are acceptable written procedures to control worker exposure to harmful materials, substances, equipment, etc. by limiting the time/duration of exposure. (i.e. driving time)
Personal Protective Equipment
The use of personal protective equipment is the least desirable control or workplace hazards. However, in some situations, the only recourse available is to provide adequate protection for the worker is the use of personal protective equipment.
Compliance Monitoring
Regardless of the control method used to protect the workers, property and the environment from specific hazards, routine and non-routine inspections, audits and monitoring is required to ensure that the control measures remain.
Hazard Identification and Control
K.C. Waunch believes by controlling and eliminating hazards at the worksite this will provide a safe working environment, which in turn will increase productivity. Some of these hazards are Chemical, Biological and Physical, and once identified the Administrative and Engineering Controls will be in place, therefore the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be worn to ensure safety at all times.
Hazard Assessment Process
- Identify Job or Activity
(Organizational Chart, Job List, Inventory)
- Identity the hazards of the Job
(Hazard Assessment)
- Assess and Analyze the Hazards of the Job
(Hazard Evaluation, Prioritize According to Risk)
- Is the risk adequately controlled?
- Document risk assessment and hazard controls.
- Does Risk Need to be Controlled?
- Implement hazard controls (Administrative, Engineering, PPE)
- No further action required.
Safety inspections
Safety inspections of client activities and client owned work sites and equipment will be performed periodically by management to identify unsafe acts and conditions that could potentially cause or create injuries or property damage.
The inspections are a gauge by which the employees and consultants can determine how effective they are in promoting safety attitudes and actions in the workplace. The inspections will be performed by supervisors and are designed to acknowledge good, acceptable performances, as well as unacceptable performances.
The frequency of these inspections will be determined by management in order to comply with the application Alberta Regulations.
The inspection report is designed for company use and is not intended to replace accepted reports or inspections forms developed for specific situations or designed to comply with specific Alberta Regulations.
Office Inspection
Management shall inspect the office and any defects shall be corrected.
Personal Protective Equipment is not required by office staff as long as their work is done in the office only. Power cords and electric machines should be looked at to ensure that cords and outlets are in good condition. Power cords shall be run in a place where there is no danger of anyone tripping on them, or hooking furniture on them.
Safety audits
Safety audits are performed periodically to determine the effectiveness of the general safety program.
K.C. Waunch will perform a company safety audit annually. The audit report will be filed in the office. Topics that will be evaluated and included in the safety audit are:
- Job safety performance
- Incident reports
- Incident investigation reports
- WCB accident reports and compensation information
- Effectiveness of Corporate Safety Program
- Safety attitude/behaviour of workers, supervisors
- Acceptability of Corporate Safety Program and respect to primary Contracts.
This section contains the K.C. Waunch’s General Rules, Codes of Practice for Personal Protective Equipment, Work Site Safety, Safe Work Procedures, Equipment Safety and Operations and WHIMS.
Safety procedures are in place and are enforced to ensure all employees and visitors are protected from hazards and our company meets regulators’ requirements.
Anyone working for K.C. Waunch will become involved in the development and compliance of our Safety Program.
The safety rules will be updated regularly so they remain current with the company’s needs.
Policies will be reviewed as conditions change so employees keep safety rules fresh in their mind.
Rules will be developed for difference aspects of our operation. Some areas we will be enforcing are:
- Fire Regulations
- Safe Driving
- Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Good Housekeeping
- Personal Hygiene
- Back Injury/Prevention
- Ergonomics
- Fatigue and Lifestyle Management
- Other Potential hazards specific to job procedure on location
- Recycling
- Right to Refuse Unsafe Work
To ensure everyone know and understands these rules, they will be discussed at new employer orientation, and reviewed at monthly safety meetings. A copy of rules will also be in this manual and may be reviewed at anytime.
- Accidents, injuries, or “near misses”, regardless of their nature, shall be promptly reported to supervisors.
- CSA approved hard hats, footwear and hearing protection shall be worn in designated areas by all employees.
- Clothing shall be appropriate to duties being performed. FRC coveralls, CSA approved where required, etc.
- Smoking is permitted only in designated areas only. “Strike Anywhere” matches are prohibited.
- Safety glasses, goggles, or face shields shall be worn when and where eye protection is required.
- Hand tools shall not be used for any purpose other than that intended, LOOK OUT, TAG OUT tags must be attached to all inoperative tools and equipment until they have been repaired by qualified personnel.
- Under the influence of, use of, and/or possession of any intoxicating beverage or illegal drugs on or at any work site is strictly forbidden and constitutes grounds for dismissal.
- Horseplay, fighting, gambling, and possession of firearms are strictly in the undertaking of any company work employees should be knowledgeable of; and comply with required government legislation, regulation and policy.
- Be familiar with and conform to safe work practices and job procedures as outlined in the company safety manual.
- Before commencing work, identify any potential hazard and plan the safe management of these risks.
- Maintain good housekeeping practices to prevent accidents, injuries or fires.
- Wear the necessary personal protective equipment as required and deemed necessary by the supervisor or primary contractor.
- Prior to commencing any work, insure that the area has been made safe for the work to be performed. Report unsafe or hazardous conditions to the supervisor immediately.
- Employer and employees are to establish an effective check in system for employees working alone.
- Know the location of fire extinguishers and exits in your work area.
- Be aware of trained first aid personnel and location of first aid kits and other safety aids in your area.
- An employee may refuse to perform duties, which are deemed to be unsafe or pose an imminent danger to that worker or any worker on that worksite.
- All contractors and visitors must comply with the company’s rules and safety manual guidelines.
- The company’s emergency response plan off site and at the office and the emergency evacuation plan will be followed as posted and outlined in the safety manual. Escape routes for each area of the building will be clearly posted for each location.
Tools should be inspected prior to use. They should be free of defects such as cracked or broken handles and burred or worn metal facings. Power tools should have the cord inspected for cracking and fraying and the plugs inspected for cracking and to ensure they have the proper three-prong plug. Also check that the switches are in good repair. If tools are found to be defective they must be removed from service and clearly tagged “out of service”. Tools should be kept in good condition and stored properly after each use.
A worker must read the operators manual before using a power tool and operate it according to the manufacturer’s specifications. The worker must be competent and use the tool for the purpose it was designed for. Guards and shields as recommended by the manufacturer must be used.
Tools must be operated by a competent worker wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment such as safety glasses, gloves, hearing protection and safety boots. Ensure tools are switched off before connecting to a power supply. Keep the work area free of clutter that could become a tripping hazard.
To prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders when using hand tools there should be variety in the tasks. This can be done by rotating workers from one task to another ensuring the tasks require different muscles and body parts be used. There should be time between tasks to allow the muscles to relax when operating tools to prevent injury.
K.C. Waunch will provide fire extinguishers, suitable for the conditions and hazards involved.
Portable fire extinguishers are conspicuously location and mounted where they are readily accessible, as well as at each entrance. Be familiar with the location of extinguishers, fire alarms and exits for the building in which you work.
Know the emergency fire procedures and the muster/meeting area for the building in which you work. Do not attempt to fight a fire unless it is very small.
B. Storage of Flammables and Combustible Material
Special precautions will be taken where flammable liquids or materials are stored. Signed labelled “Flammable – Keep Fire Away” or a similar warning will identify storage areas for flammables or combustible materials. Sources of ignition are not permitted in these areas. This includes open flames, smoking, heat producing chemical reactions, sparks and static electricity, grinding, non-classified electrical fixtures and appliances.
Storage area specifications for flammable and combustible materials are outlined below:
Oil based paints are to be stored in an approved storage area in metal cabinets. Batteries being stored or charged are to be kept away from all sources of ignition.
Motor Vehicle Fire Safety
The driver is responsible to ensure that his vehicle has an operable fire extinguisher.
When extinguishing a fire in your vehicle, your first priority is to ensure that you, your passengers and nearby persons are safe. Only when you can safely approach the fire should you attempt to extinguish it. If control cannot be maintained with available extinguishers, clear the area and notify the nearest fire station.
Should a fire occur and you extinguish the flames, do not use the vehicle. Contact the nearest maintenance shop. Maintenance staff must examine the unit before it is used again.
General rules and requirements
All consultants shall have training on the Journey Management Plan and will be reviewed before driving on company business.
All vehicles and powered mobile equipment shall be operated as specified by applicable Federal, Provincial Highway Traffic Acts and Regulations, Municipal Regulations, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, and Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations.
All drivers/operators are expected to drive defensively, lawfully, under control and in compliance with regulatory requirements and the requirements specified in this manual. Drivers/operators are expected to be alert, constantly watching for other vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and animals, changing road and weather conditions and to constantly adjust driving practices to make allowances for the conditions.
Any condition that will affect the safe operations of the vehicle must be reported at once and the vehicle must be repaired prior to any further use.
All drivers must have a valid driver’s licence. The licence must be current with an up-to-date address. Additionally all drivers must comply with operations’ licence codes and conditions when driving client vehicles. Drivers requiring corrective lenses in order to meet the minimum visual requirements must always wear corrective lenses when driving.
If an employee’s driver’s licence is suspended, revoked or cancelled, or if an employee has lost the right to operate a vehicle for any period of time, the employee must notify his manager immediately.
Road journeys should only be taken when necessary. Try to complete multiple tasks in single trips to reduce the amount of driving for improved safety and efficiency. Directions to an unfamiliar destination should be obtained before travel. A GPS device may be used, but printed directions should be kept as a backup.
Persons are not allowed to ride in the cargo bed of pickup trucks.
Drivers and passengers must wear seatbelts.
Cruise control devices are not be utilized in slippery or icy road conditions.
If practical, road travel should be completed in daylight hours.
Headlights are to be on at all times when driving.
Drivers shall give a travel itinerary to another individual and check in upon arrival.
Driver supervisory and management personnel shall not permit personnel to drive or operate equipment if they are fatigued, in a highly agitated state, confused or ill. Remember that people may make mistakes if they are bored, hungry, thirsty, or uncomfortable. Rest breaks can help reduce fatigue.
Do not operate a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Do not allow any other person to operate a K.C. Waunch vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. All employees are required to comply with K.C. Waunch and Alcohol Guideline.
Firearms are not permitted in K.C. Waunch vehicles, unless approved by the Manager.
Drivers must carry a reliable method of communication.
All new cellular phones for use in vehicles will be purchased with hands-free operations capability. If your vehicle is not equipped with a hands-free cellular phone, stop and park the vehicle when the phone must be utilized. While driving on customer/client property, cell phone use including hands-free is prohibited.
When out of a vehicle on a roadway, never turn you back to traffic and never position yourself between a stopped vehicle and oncoming traffic.
A Vehicle Inspection must be completed before starting a trip and as otherwise designated. (e.g. post-trip). Correct identified deficiencies or any condition that will affect the safe operation of the vehicle prior to leaving the facility or yard. Perform regular maintenance as per manufacturer guidelines.
In the event of a vehicle fire, the primary concern is to ensure your safety and that or your passengers or other persons.
If a fire or electrical short occurs in a company vehicle, do not operate the vehicle until the maintenance department or a certified third party mechanic has inspected it.
Any cargo on or in motor vehicles must be adequately stored and secured to prevent unintentional movement of the equipment.
Employee Licence Requirements:
- All employees must give K.C. Waunch permission to obtain a driver’s abstract that is required to confirm that the employee has a current driver’s licence.
- All employees that drive any vehicle for company use must be in possession of a valid driver’s licence for the province of Alberta.
- All employees are required to report any driving violations recorded on their driving record.
- Drivers must be in possession of the proper class of licence and required endorsements for that particular vehicle.
- Drivers of the trucks must have valid permits from the provincial government as required.
- Drivers of the trucks will ensure that all the required valid registration and insurance documents are in the cab of the vehicle.
Vehicle Requirements
All privately owned vehicles that are used for company purposes, such as the transportation of workers, parts, equipment, fuel, must be registered as:
Class 1 Public Vehicle – per the Motor Vehicle Act, Chapter M-20, Part 4, Section 36(b)
Every employee who uses his privately owned vehicle for company business will complete an application form (type, make, and year) and submit it to the office for approval. The form is available in the office and it will be completed and the following information will be attached with the application:
- A copy of the vehicle motor vehicle registration.
- A copy of insurance certificate ($2 million liability).
- A safety inspection if vehicle is 5 years old or more.
Each vehicle must have the following equipment:
- First Aid Kit #2
- Reflectors or flares
- Fire extinguisher – rate at 2A:10BC
- “Grab and go” weather appropriate survival kit
(see Section 6 for a list of suggested contents)
Refuelling guidelines
All gasoline and diesel vehicles will have their engines shut off during refuelling. Operators are to remain with their vehicle while refuelling.
Driving in Adverse Conditions
It is your responsibility to anticipate and avoid situations that are dangerous. As a driver, you should:
- Operate equipment in a safe manner
- Inspect the vehicle and equipment to make sure it is ready for the shift
- Slow down to the speed of the surrounding traffic, do not exceed the speed limit
- When traveling on winding roads, reduce your speed as you will need more time to react due to reduced visibility
- When traveling on an unpaved road, reduce your speed to maintain control on gravel and other rough road conditions
- While traveling on muddy of slippery highways, reduce your speed to prevent skidding, appropriate use of Jacobs brake and service brake. Remember, your tire chains are hanging on your truck for a reason, install at a suitable location
- While traveling when physically tired, stop as soon as possible to have a rest
- When traveling in icy conditions, reduce your speed, chain up at a suitable location
- When traveling in fog, reduce you speed, use low beam headlights
- When traveling in rain, snow or sleet, decrease your speed to prevent skidding
- Never drive on the shoulder of the road
- Drive with you headlights on at all times
- If you do not feel comfortable driving in adverse weather conditions wait until conditions improve.
First Aid Kit Location
You must be aware of the location of the first aid kits in office and trucks. Familiarize yourself with the location of the materials in the kit. This familiarization will help decrease the time needed to find the required items in an emergency. Proper uses of these items are part of your first aid training.
Incident Reporting
A reporting book, in which all minor accidents are to be recorded is to be located in the vehicle at all times.
Fire Extinguisher, Reflectors
Ensure the vehicle has emergency reflectors stored in the cab area. Check the gauge on the vehicle’s fire extinguisher. If the fire extinguisher needs to be recharged, remove it from the vehicle and install one that is fully charged.
Defensive Driving
Defensive driving habits protect drivers, passengers and other travelers from avoidable traffic accidents. To drive defensively, drivers must:
- have a valid driver’s licence of the appropriate class
- comply with the rules of the road as outlined by the appropriate provincial or territorial jurisdiction
- exercise courtesy in their driving habits at all times
- remain alert and try to anticipate road conditions and actions of other drivers
- observe posted speed limits and adjust speed as required by road and weather conditions
- ensure all loads are properly secured to prevent them from shifting or falling off the vehicle
- use seat belts provided and ensure passengers do the same
- ask another person to act as a guide when backing up, if the vehicle is in an area where a clear view of obstructions, passing vehicles or pedestrians behind the vehicle cannot be obtained from rear-view mirrors
- when parking, place their vehicles away from other traffic and, ensure the transmission is left in park (or in gear if a standard) and engage the parking brake
- store tools and other items in a secure location to prevent them from coming loose in the passenger compartment.
- It is preferable to use pull through parking techniques in parking lots, if that option is not available motor vehicles should back in.
Winter Driving
Additional caution must be exercised under winter driving conditions. Driver must:
- avoid sudden changes of speed or direction when driving on icy or snow-covered roads to reduce possibility of skidding
- leave extra distance between your vehicle and any vehicles ahead of them. Stopping on ice takes about eight times the distance of stopping on dry pavement
- carry suitable warm clothing and emergency equipment and supplies for protection in case travel is halted by mechanical breakdown or extreme weather conditions
- clear snow and ice from the hood, trunk and top of the vehicle and all windows before driving
- be aware of icy patches on roads and bridges and at intersections
- be familiar with the skid control procedures for the type of vehicle being driven (e.g. front, rear or four-wheel drive).
Suggested “Grab and Go” Winter Survival Bag
- Cell or Bag Phone (depending on location a Sat Phone)
- Ice scraper/snowbrush
- Folding or avalanche shovel
- Tow rope or chain
- Booster cables
- Road flares, warning triangle or warning lights
- Gas line antifreeze
- Flashlight and batteries
- First aid kit
- Fire extinguisher
- Small tool kit
- Extra clothing and footwear
- Blanket or sleeping bag
- Non-perishable energy foods – e.g. chocolate or granola bars, juice, instant coffee, tea, soup, bottled water
- Candle and a small tin can
- Matches
- Pocket knife or multi-tool
Incident and accident investigation kit
(Forms, pen and digital camera)
Seat Belts and Restraints
Seat belts must be worn at all times, while operating K.C. Waunch vehicles or those leased, owned, or rented and powered mobile equipment, which is equipped with rollover protection structures.
All occupants in a client vehicle must wear seat belts. The number of seat belts in the vehicle determines the number of occupants, which can ride in the unit.
K.C. Waunch drivers are responsible for the condition of their seat belts and must ensure all passengers wear their seat belts.
Headrests must be correctly adjusted, so as to provide support and resistance in case of an impact. The headrest height must be adjusted so the bottom of the headrest is at approximately the same level as the bottom of your ears.
Speed Regulations
The maximum speed limit for all K.C. Waunch light vehicles is the posted speed limit.
Every driver is responsible for matching vehicle speed to the conditions. Speed is to be adjusted downward for adverse weather and/or road conditions. Reduce your speed on lease roads and unpaved roads. On non-posted gravel roads, the maximum allowable speed limit is 80 km/hr., if road and/or weather conditions permit.
In jurisdictions where there are no posted highway speed limits, the maximum allowable speed is 80 km/hr for heavy vehicles and 80 km/hr for light vehicles if road, weather and traffic conditions permit. Drive according to conditions and skill level.
When traveling on private roads, all K.C. Waunch and consultants’ vehicles must comply with posted speed limits and traffic controls.
When traveling on gravel roads, slow down for approaching traffic in order to reduce the potential of damage to vehicles due to flying debris. Also remember to stop at all uncontrolled railway crossings.
When driving a light vehicle, maintain the proper following distance from the vehicle ahead by utilizing as a minimum, the 2-second rule. When towing a trailer utilize a following distance of 1 second for every 3 meters of your total vehicle length. When in adverse road/weather or traffic conditions, adjust your speed and double the following distance from the vehicle ahead.
When stopping at an intersection, ensure you can see the bottom of the rear tire of the vehicle in front of your vehicle.
On gravel roads slow down to prevent dusting of houses, buildings, people and wildlife.
On single vehicle trips, the driver may suspend travel if weather or road conditions present a serious or extreme hazard. Examples of serious or extreme hazards are glare ice conditions or highly restricted visibility. In these situations, the driver must park the vehicle in a safe location where it will not be an obstruction or hazard to traffic. The driver must also make every effort to notify his manager of the situation and of the reasons for stopping.
Vehicle Boosting Procedures
Fires and/or explosives can occur when boosting a disable vehicle. The following procedure should be followed if boosting is required. Some trucks may be equipped with a series-parallel switch, if you are not sure, ask. Some manufacturers do not recommend boosting positive ground or computer equipped vehicles. DO NOT ATTEMPT to boost from a frozen battery.
- Position vehicles so they do not touch. The battery location in the vehicles will dictate the position
- Place transmission in neutral or park and set the emergency brake
- Turn off all accessories including phones and engine
- Wear face shield and gloves
- Connect batteries with similar voltage (12 to 12 and 6 to 6)
- Connect the positive battery terminal of the booster vehicle to the positive battery terminal of the stalled vehicle
- Ensure battery cables do not touch fan blades or belts
- Start booster vehicle and attempt to start stalled vehicle
- Remove booster cables in reverse order
Personal protective equipment is one of the controls that K.C. Waunch utilizes to eliminate or minimize work related hazards.
It is your responsibility to identify all possible types of eye hazards at your worksite and to choose the correct protection for the hazard. To ensure eye and face injuries are prevented, replace worn, scratched, cracked, pitted or broken eye and face protections.
General Requirements
Engineering, work practice and administration controls are the preferred means of reducing or controlling hazards which may endanger the health and safety of employees.
Where these controls are not practical or cannot reduce or control the hazard adequately, employees shall wear the appropriate personal protective equipment and clothing (PPE).
The manager shall ensure that field employees under his direction, use appropriate personal protective equipment and are trained in its use and care in order to control or minimize hazards that cannot be controlled by engineering or administrative practices. When arriving at a worksite, all employees are expected to have the personal protective equipment required to protect against the known hazards of that site. An example is the wearing of a face mask and gloves when preparing invert samples.
The employee to whom personal protective equipment was issued shall maintain it in good working order and in sanitary condition. Supervisors are responsible to insure that employees are adequately trained in the proper use of, and the responsibilities for the PPE. Replacement parts and cleaning materials for supplied personal protective equipment if necessary can be obtained from your Manager.
When working with or in proximity to a controlled product, wear the protective clothing and equipment as prescribed by the Material Safety Data Sheet.
The Manager shall ensure that all workers, including contract personnel under his direction, use appropriate personal protective equipment for the job and are trained in it proper use and care, in order to control or minimize hazards, which cannot be controlled by engineering or administrative practices. The Manager must also ensure that all personnel are wearing clothing suitable for the climatic conditions. When cold temperature and/or wind chill are a factor, take warm up breaks, use the buddy system and watch for frostbite (skin turns white) on exposed flesh.
To prevent injuries and minimize hazards, the following K.C. Waunch guidelines are a minimum requirement:
- All employees and contractors must wear clothing suitable for the conditions and work being performed.
Fire Retardant Clothing
Nome III fire retardant coveralls will be worn on all required locations and hot work sites regardless of the degree of hazards. At no time is clothing containing mainly synthetic fabrics, such as nylon, rayon, acetate or acrylic, to be worn on worksite locations or whenever a fire or explosion hazard exists. All clothing including hat liners and clothing worn under coveralls must be of tight weave cotton (at least 65%) or wool.
Each type of flame-resistant fabric requires specific safety and care considerations, please refer to the manufacturer’s specifications. Oily or greasy coveralls/garments must be cleaned as per manufacturer’s specifications.
“Do Not Wear Hydrocarbon Contaminated Clothing”
CSA approved work boots Class A (green triangle and Ω) shall be worn as designated. If you work in an environment where oil, acids, or other corrosives are present, wear footwear that is oil and acid resistant.
CSA approved work boots will require regular care in order to maintain their effectiveness. Ensure you are regularly cleaning your work boots; this includes the soles and fabric portion of the shoe. Ensure your work boots are kept in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight when not in use.
Ensure you examine your work boots prior to each use. When examining your work boots you are looking for cracks, exposed toecaps, or similar damage. If you see damage on your work boots, you must replace your work boots immediately. Altercations to your foot wear is not allowed.
CSA approved hard hats will be worn by all field Managers, contractors and employees.
You must inspect your hardhat prior to every use. Ensure your hardhat fits at all times, this includes during winter when a liner is added. Ensure you do not leave your hardhat in direct heat and UV light as this can damage the material (i.e.: do not leave your hardhat in rear windows of vehicles during transportation.
You must replace your hardhat if any of the following signs of wear and tear begin to show: scratches, gouges, stiff/brittle hats (from sun exposer or chemicals), patterns of tiny cracks or a chalky appearance.
Hand Protection
Gloves or mitts, appropriate to protect against the hazard, shall be work when sharp or rough materials, hot or cold objects, or corrosive liquids or chemicals are being handled.
Ensure you consistently clean your work gloves by following the manufacturer’s specifications.
Eyes and Face Protection
CSA approved eye and face protection shall be worn as designated. These shall be worn by employees engaged in operations in which there is a hazard to the eyes and /or face from flying objects, pressurized gases, flying particles, dusts, chemical splashes, or injurious light or hear rays.
Safety Glasses
Most customers require safety glasses to be worn while on location. For any work where flying particles are a hazard, wear safety glasses with side shields or safety goggles.
For those employees who wear prescription eyeglasses, ordinary glasses do not provide adequate protection from most hazards. Obtain eyeglasses with CSA approved safety lenses, frames, and side shields.
Ensure your safety glasses fit properly, the eye size, bridge size and temple length all vary therefore eye protection should be properly fitted to the individual. Eye protection should be as close to the face as possible while being supported by the bridge of your nose.
Ensure you take care of your eye protection daily. Safety glasses must be cleaned after every use following the manufacturer’s specifications. Ensure your eye protection is stored in a clean dry place where they cannot fall or be stepped on. It is best to keep them in a case when they are not being worn.
Ensure you examine your safety glasses prior to each use. When examining your eye protection you are looking for scratches that impair vision and can weaken the lenses, pitted, broken, bent or poorly fitted glasses. If you see damage on your safety glasses, you must replace your work eye protection immediately.
Face Shields
For any work where the face and neck must be protected from flying particles, sprays or hazardous liquids, hot or cold solutions, or extreme fire conditions, CSA approved face shields are to be worn. Face shields are to be work in addition to suitable basic eye protection.
Ensure you wash your face shield after every use following the manufacturer’s specifications.
Hearing Protection
CSA approved hearing protection shall be worn by employees in all areas where there is a danger to employees’ hearing. When noise exposure within the working environment exceeds 85 decibels, hearing protection must be worn. In addition, hearing protection will be worn by all employees during pumping operations and when close to pumping equipment. Employees with an abnormal shift in their hearing will be asked to consult a physician in order to obtain further medical diagnosis as to the cause of the hearing loss. Those employees who are assigned to work in high noise areas will be required to participate in yearly hearing examinations.
Respiratory Protection Equipment
To prevent occupational respiratory illness or injury appropriate respiratory protection must be worn. In all cases the appropriate selection of respiratory equipment will be based on the hazards (products and concentration). To ensure you have appropriate respiratory protection, review the Material Safety Data Sheet. If information is not available, or if you have any questions, consult your Manager.
When conditions dictate that you must wear a respirator, you must:
- Be trained in selection use and limitations,
- Be fit tested,
- Inspect and maintain the respirator as specified by manufacturer instructions,
- Clean and disinfect the equipment, and
- When not in use store in convenient clean and sanitary condition.
Suitable respiratory protection equipment will be worn by all employees and consultants of K.C. Waunch , if where they are, will or may be exposed to an atmospheric contaminant above the established Occupational Exposure Limit (O.E.L.). Only respirators bearing and NIOSH/MSHA and/or CSA approval as outlines in the CSA STANDARD CAN/CSA 294.4-93 (or the latest revision) approval appropriate for the particular respiratory hazard will be permitted for use.
K.C. Waunch requires all employees and sub-contractors to don breathing apparatus at any sour location when a risk of H2S exposure is present. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in immediate dismissal.
The atmospheric contaminants that can be found on an oil and gas worksite can range from very toxic H2S to irritating nuisance particulate. An initial evaluation of the worksite will be performed to determine if respiratory protection equipment is required.
Respirator Selection
The following chart lists some of the common types of contaminants found on oilfield worksites and accepted respiratory protection equipment of K.C. Waunch workers. Additional respiratory equipment may be required depending on the specific situation and type of airborne contaminant.
Ammonia |
Full-face with appropriate cartridges |
Hydrogen sulphide |
Positive pressure SCBA or SABA |
Invert sample cuttings |
Full-face with appropriate cartridges |
Nuisance Dust |
Disposable particulate mask, ½ or full-face mask with a particulate filter, suitable for the type of dust |
User Restrictions
Only personnel who are adequately trained with the type of respirator required for protection against the contaminant will be allowed to enter a contaminated or potential contaminated area. Training will be repeated as required to ensure competency.
When other brands or styles of respirators are brought onto the worksite by consultants, or if K.C. Waunch employees are required to work on locations where other brands or styles of respirators are found, the employee will ensure that:
- The respirators are in good condition and ready for use
- The respirators are positioned so that there will not be any confusion as to which respirator to use
- If there is a possibility that a worker may be required to wear different brands or styles of respirators, he is adequately trained in the use of each type. It is strongly recommended that all emergency SCBGA be of the same brand and style.
Only personnel who are able to obtain an adequate facial seal with the type of respirator required will be allowed to enter the contaminated or potentially contaminated area or to act as a buddy, tank watch or rescue person.
Only personnel who are considered physically able to wear a respirator and perform the required tasks will be allowed to wear a respirator. Special attention will be placed on:
- Absence of facial hair, clean shaven daily, visual acuity, history of or presence of disease of the respiratory and/or the cardiovascular systems, history of claustrophobia.
Fall Protection Equipment
To ensure employees are protected from falling when working at or climbing an elevation, Fall Protection Systems must be compiled with.
Any person climbing or working at an elevation of 3 meters or above will be protected from falling by at least one of the following:
- CSA approved full body harness with CSA approved shock absorbing lanyard,
- The shock absorbing lanyards will be attached in a manner that will prevent a free fall of not more that 1.8 meters (or as specified by manufacturer),
- CSA approved lifeline attached to a full body harness, and
- Other approved fall prevention devices.
The fall arrest device shall be safely cabled or installed in a manner, which will prevent the device from falling should the securing bracket fall.
Confined Spaces
A confined space is any enclosed or partially enclosed space that has restricted access and egress and is subject to oxygen deficiencies, flammable or toxic atmospheres and other chemical, physical or mechanical hazards.
Any work to be performed in confined spaces must occur under the direction of a qualified supervisor who is thoroughly familiar with any hazards that may be encountered. Any employee who enters a confined space must have adequate training. The supervisor must also have comprehensive knowledge of Emergency Response and fire and accident prevention requirements, first aid and rescue procedures.
Electrical Equipment
- No make shift wiring
- Extension cords serviceable
- Motors and tools free of dirt and grease
- Lights clear of combustibles
- Ground connections clean, tight and have electrical continuity
- Circuits properly fused or otherwise protected
- Equipment approved for use in the hazardous areas (if required)
- No accumulation of rubbish
- Safe storage of flammables
- Passageways clear of obstacles
- Fire escape doors unblocked and operate properly
- Premises free of unnecessary combustible materials
- No leaks or dripping of flammable and floor free of spills
Smoking and Matches
- “No Smoking” and “Smoking” areas clearly marked
- Butt containers available and serviceable
- No discarded smoking materials in prohibited areas
Static Electricity
- Flammable liquid dispensing vessels grounded or bonded
- Moving machinery grounded
- Proper humidity maintained
Extinguishing Equipment
- Proper type
- In proper location
- Access unobstructed
- Clearly marked
- In working order
- Service date current
- Know how to use the extinguisher
Personnel Hygiene
Due to the fact we may be working in conditions that require wearing air packs, facial hair must be removed or trimmed in a fashion so as not to prevent a seal around mask.
Keep coveralls clean as possible as oily coveralls burn quickly.
Work boots must be in good condition with no steel showing through toes.
Look neat and clean on location as you are a representative of the company.
Office Safety/Material Handling
K.C. Waunch employees and their Contractors are required to conduct work in client owned or operated office space and thus are required to follow the basic office practices:
- First aid kits should be made available and all personnel should be familiar with their location
- Drawers of desk and file cabinet shall be kept closed when not in use.
- Faulty electrical equipment shall be repaired immediately or removed from service
- Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment if required (i.e. goggles, gloves, aprons, etc.) when handling chemicals for photocopiers. Consult the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the chemical.
- Get help when moving heavy or bulky objects. Use a handcart for very heavy objects or long carries.
- Glass light-tables should not be used for other activities such as stapling or using a paper punch. The breaking glass may result in severe hand and wrist lacerations. No additional weight should be placed on the glass.
- The use of razor knives for cutting and splicing paper sections on the light-table should be done with care and those who are not familiar with the hazards should seek assistance. Blade and paper cutters shall be kept in the closed position when not in use.
- When visiting or working in industrial operations abide by all the safety instructions in effect.
- Take advantage of lifting equipment such as hoists, dollies and handcarts.
- When lifting, ensure good footing and a good grip on the object. Keep your back straight and lift with the leg muscles.
- Avoid twisting or turning with the load. This may cause the weight to be transferred to one leg or hip joint, resulting in possible back strain.
- Avoid carrying objects that are so large as to block your vision.
Back injury prevention
- Back injuries are very common, and unfortunately in most cases should never happen. The action of bending over today and not being able to straighten back up is the result of poor work habits over many years.
- Workers should be taught early on in their careers that we have mechanical assists to move heavy equipment around the rig and the rig floor. The following are tasks where we must use the winch line or use more than one person to do the task.
- Workers should be taught to bend the knees and use the heavy leg muscles to life all loads. Keep the load close to the body. If it is too heavy to handle ask for help. Don’t be a hero and end up in the hospital.
- Workers should be taught to do some warm-up exercises before starting heavy work.
- When equipment has to be carried, workers must look at their intended travel, and ensure that they do not walk in treacherous ruts, mud, etc.
- There is no room for ridiculing any worker who asks for help to carry equipment.
Fatigue and Lifestyle Management
- Workers have very physically demanding and challenging jobs, working in extreme weather conditions, working long hours, and traveling long distances. Fatigue and lifestyle management will enhance your ability to work more safely, and to make wise decisions relating to work. K.C. Waunch will provide training to manage fatigue to ensure a safe work place. Work schedules will be arranged so that a worker can arrive at the jobsite and be adequately rested before beginning their shift. While driving to the work site and back and during their shift it is beneficial to take a periodic break minimizing fatigue and increasing mental awareness. Workers should never drive motor vehicles while excessively fatigued. Workers must report fatigue to their supervisors.
- The following are recommendations derived from research completed by experts in their field that will help you to cope and enhance your work performance, and keep higher levels of alertness.
- Quantity: Research indicates that you require 7-9 hours of sleep per night to keep high level of alertness.
- Quality: Research indicates that quality of sleep is important to remain alert and well rested. Quality of sleep depends on many factors including pre-bedtime routine, nutrition, comfort of room and bed.
- Sleep Debt: If you do not get the required amount of quality sleep night after night, you will experience accumulated fatigue, which will lower your level of alertness and effectiveness at work.
- Canada’s Guideline for Healthy Eating is a very good resource to use for guidance. (It is available for free of charge at the Calgary and area Health Unit).
- Make wise food choices, staying away from greasy fried foods. Include lots of fresh foods, fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads, and fresh juices.
- Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily, and much more when working in extreme heat.
- Avoid heavy greasy food before bedtime.
- Avoid caffeine at least 4 hours before bedtime.
- Sensitivity: remember birthdays and anniversaries. Discuss your mutual needs, support each other, and learn to trust and care for your loved ones.
- Communication: Set regular times for your telephone calls. Write post cards and short notes to family. Listen to problems.
- Time management: On days off, spend quality time with children doing activities of their choice.
- Schedule special time alone with your partner.
When problems arise, seek help through community counselling agencies.
When a Manager or Supervisor sees a worker struggling while performing a task, he knows that it will eventually become an injury if something cannot be modified.
To improve the quality of K.C. Waunch Petroleum Consultants performance, all Managers and Supervisors must pay attention to what the workers are saying or complaining about and have “open minds” to consider if there are any improvements that can be made.
The Managers or Supervisors will create an atmosphere of “Open Communication” so that all workers will feel that they can bring up any concern at any time and not be ridiculed for doing so.
Each Manager will write down in their personal Day Timer, the discussions carried out with the employees.
If some concrete thoughts and ideas arise from these general discussions, the Manager will share them with supervisors. Again the concept here is to have all personnel benefit from all ideas wherever possible.
During job observation, Managers or Supervisors will make notes of the difficulties that workers experience while carrying out their tasks. If these new observations prompt new thoughts and insights into procedure or equipment design, the Safety department will organize these matters into more ergonomically considerations.
Continual improvement of the equipment, procedure, and policy design will create an efficient environment where, the workers continue to produce the lowest amounts of loss and the highest amounts of quality with no compromise to safety.
All Employees will be provided training so they can follow the safe working standards in the policies and procedures manual. The training will include: identification of factors that could lead to musculoskeletal injury, the early signs of such injury and preventive measures with aids where applicable.
The success of this program will be dependent upon the involvement of the Management of K.C. Waunch. Management is to be 100% committed to this policy and is to enact anything, within reasons, that is necessary for the workers comfort and safety. This will prevent loss, injuries, body and mental stresses, and ensure task development is performed at the highest standard and quality.
All Management will understand the importance of educating all workers to perform their tasks safely and efficiently through the use of the Policies and Procedures Manual.
A hazard assessment must be performed before manually lifting and handling a load.
Whenever practicable mechanized equipment should be used for material handling.
Definition: The science of work. To design the workplace so that it allows the worker to optimize the strength, stamina, and skills that he or she has. This is usually accomplished by creating a work environment that does not push the body past its limit causing injury.
- getting more work done
- improving the quality of work
- reducing loss and waste
- having a better attitude
- not becoming bored
reducing the number of incidents leading to accidents
The human body and emotion can only handle so much. Ergonomics studies ways in which we can reduce the stresses on the body and mind of the worker. How does the worker fit into the workplace environment? Does the environment need to be modified so that worker’s stresses can be reduced?
Because our job is always done in conjunction with other companies, different procedures will be used on almost every location. A safety meeting will be held by the client company representative, prior to the job being done and hazards will be pointed out at this time.
Any concerns on location by K.C. Waunch employees should be brought to the attention of the oil company representative on location.
If H2S gas is present on location, the oil company representative will inform us, and the procedures for working around H2S will be followed. Breathing apparatus will be provided on location if needed and all K.C. Waunch personal will be trained in H2S Alive before going to any location.
Hydrogen Sulphide Gas
Work site locations may contain hydrogen sulphide, which presents a serious hazard if precautionary measures are not taken. H2S is an extremely toxic gas.
All K.C. Waunch field employees are required to have current certificates indicating they are qualified to work in a hydrogen sulphide gas environment.
Careful planning and co-ordination will take place for special operations if it is known or suspected that H2S will be present. Before proceeding, the operations will be evaluated, the hazards assessed, and proper equipment will be selected to eliminate or reduce the hazard. It is a requirement of K.C. Waunch that safety specialists trained to work in an H2S contaminated atmosphere must be on site with the required equipment when it is expected or suspected that the H2S content in the atmosphere will be over 10 PPM.
A worker may not be exposed to H2S at a concentration exceeding its ceiling limit of 15 PPM at any time.
K.C. Waunch requires ALL EMPLOYEES AND SUB-CONTRACTORS to don breathing apparatus (Mask Up) as per K.C. Waunch policies and procedures at any sour locations when concentrations of H2S have been detected during any aspect of operations.
Failure to adhere to follow this policy could result in disciplinary action or could lead to dismissal.
Hydrogen Sulphide Safety (H2S)
K.C. Waunch has implemented a “Mask Up Policy” to ensure the safety of all employees and subcontractors while working in a H2S environment. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO MASK UP WHEN ANY CONCENTRATION OF H2S IS DETECTED.
- Evacuate
- Alarm
- Assess
- Protect
- Rescue
- Revive
- Medical aid
Prior to Performing the Work
- Review the hazards, characteristics, and nature of H2S gas. Review precautions to be taken when entering enclosed places.
Ensure you have received adequate training in the use of the specific breathing apparatus and gas detection equipment you will be utilizing on location.
Ensure you understand the emergency procedures to follow if there is an uncontrolled release of H2S gas. Be aware of and understand your responsibilities in implementing the emergency response plan.
Review instructions on proper rescue methods and first aid treatment for a knockdown victim.
Review material safety data sheets for all chemicals brought on location. Be aware of the proper handling procedures and health hazards.
Ensure that H2S warning signs are posted to warn unprepared and unnecessary persons from entering the site.
Ensure that wind socks and streamers have been set up in appropriate locations to give indication of wind direction.
If applicable: Ensure that motor emergency shut-off is functional.
Ensure that safety equipment has been checked and is properly located. This includes first aid kits, stretcher, eye wash station, and emergency treating apparatus, gas detector and fire extinguishers.
Ensure that you know how to utilize the communication system, which is available on location. Also ensure that emergency telephone numbers are posted.
Never enter an enclosed area where H2S may have accumulated without wearing breathing apparatus and a safety belt secured by a lanyard. A competent individual shall hold the lanyard who is equipped with breathing apparatus and who is in the clear.
First Aid for Employees Exposed to H2S
Following rescue, if a victim is unconscious and not breathing; immediately apply mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Continue without interruption until normal breathing is restored. Treat the victim for shock and wash his eyes with clean water. Transport the victim to a hospital or contact a doctor. All victims of H2S exposure over the occupational exposure limit shall be transported to a medical facility for observation.
Any job where K.C. Waunch personnel has to handle the frac fluid, MSDS sheets will be available from the service company and safe procedures can be followed as described.
General Procedures
All first aid cases shall be recorded in the “Record of Injuries” booklet located in each truck or the logbook in the office.
Employees should be familiar with techniques of First Aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitations (CPR) and the means of summoning emergency medical aid.
Each workplace shall have, as a minimum, the required number of trained First Aiders as required by federal and/or provincial regulations.
Contractors are responsible for providing complete first aid supplies and facilities as required under the OH&S First Aid Regulations.
Employees shall be familiar with the location and contents of the First Aid kits at their workplace and in their vehicles.
Contents of the First Aid kits shall be inspected regularly and expended or outdated items replaced.
Cold injuries
Exposure to cold weather can cause two types of cold injuries:
- Frostbite – a local tissue damage
- Hypothermia – a generalized cooling of the body
The risk of frostbite or hypothermia is produced when:
- Low temperature is combined with strong winds (Wind-chill)
- The person is elderly, in poor health, or very young
The person is in a weakened condition due to
- Lack of food
- Fatigue
- Use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs
- Lack of food
- Clothing is wet (from sweating or immersion in water)
- Clothing does not retain your body heat (i.e. cotton)
- Exposure to cold is for a long period of time
To prevent cold injuries;
Use clothing for Cold Weather Operations:
- Take extra clothing when outside in cold weather
- Wear several layers of loose fitting clothing that breaths, preferably wool, cotton or other flame resistant materials are the best next to the skin. DO NOT use nylon or polypropylene materials
- Thermal underwear, lined water proof gloves, cold weather mask or wool scarf
- Wear water resistant and windproof clothing with light weight high insulating lining
- Waterproof safety toed boots
- Keep head and neck covered
- Avoid getting wet, even by sweating.
- Take extra clothing when outside in cold weather
Have essential Foods and Liquids for cold weather operations:
- Eat well-balanced meals with adequate liquid intake
- Eat high-energy foods often at regular intervals, such as protein and energy bars, etc.
- Drink lots of hot sweet drinks like soup or tea. Cold water is fine if nothing else is available
- Eat warm food, not cold, if possible
- Carry dehydrated rations
- Eat well-balanced meals with adequate liquid intake
FROSTBITE – a localized cooling of the body and has two forms:
- Superficial – affects the entire thickness of the skin
- usually in the ears, face, fingers, and toes
- white, waxy skin
- skin is firm to touch, but tissues underneath are soft
- pain, then numbness of the skin
- prevent further heat loss, move to a warm, sheltered area
- re-warm the frost bitten part gradually with the heat of your body; firm, steady pressure of a warm hand; breathing on part; placing part in contact with your own body
- DO NOT apply direct heat
- DO NOT rub, or put snow on frost bitten area
- Deep Frostbite – far more serious
- affects the tissues beneath the outer layer of skin
- usually involves an entire hand or foot
- superficial frostbite may progress into deep frostbite
- white, waxy skin that turns greyish blue as frostbite progresses
- skin feels hard and cold
- numbness in the area
- may be in an unresponsive, frozen state. The body may be stiff and rigid
- call medical help immediately
- prevent further heat loss, move to a warm, sheltered area
- be gentle with the frozen part to prevent further tissue damage
- DO NOT rub limbs or allow casualty to move unnecessarily
- DO NOT warm or thaw frozen part, unless medical help is unavailable, and the threat of refreezing does not exist
A generalized cooling of the body. It usually occurs in temperatures below freezing, although it can develop in temperatures above freezing. Hypothermia may progress from mild to moderate to severe.
- Mid: normal pulse and breathing, shivering, mental state is conscious, but withdrawn
- Moderate: pulse and breathing is slow and weak, violent shivering or no shivering, and is clumsy and falls, mental state is confused, sleepy, and irrational
- Severe: pulse is weak, irregular, or absent, breathing is slow or absent, shivering has stopped, casualty is unconscious
- prevent further loss of body heat
- obtain medical held immediately
- move casualty as little as possible, movement may cause the heart to fail
- move from a cold environment to a warm shelter
- remove wet clothes and place under warm covers
- warm the person by applying hot water bottles or warm towels under neck, armpits, and thighs, or huddle the person for warmth
- keep the person awake if possible
- remove from wind, huddle them if necessary
- supply warm, sweet drinks or sweet foods that can be turned into energy quickly. No coffee or caffeine drinks
- DO NOT immerse victim in a hot bath
- DO NOT massage person to warm them
- monitor breathing and pulse
- if breathing is ineffective, provide assisted breathing
- unconscious – no breath or pulse – give artificial respiration, give CPR only if can be maintained without interruption until medical help arrives
Never assume a casualty in severe hypothermia is dead until his body is warm again even if there are still no signs of life.
Refer to wind chill chart for more information on the aforementioned.
Wind Chill Chart
Heat illnesses
There are three types of heat illnesses:
- Heat Cramps
- Heat Exhaustion
- Heat Stroke
These three illnesses are caused by:
- The body’s inability to maintain a normal temperature of 37 degrees Celsius
- Long exposure to hot conditions
- Overexposure to the sun
- Lack of fluids to replace lost body fluids
- Vigorous or hard labour in a hot environment
To prevent heat illnesses:
- Expose the body gradually to a hot environment
- Drink adequate water
- Seek shade or temperature controlled shelter as needed
- Place worker in cool pace to rest
- Give as much water as individual will take
- Seek medical help if pain continues
Heat exhaustion
- more serious than heat cramps
- occurs when a hot environment and high humidity prevent the body from cooling when you sweat excessively
- excessive sweating causes a loss of important body fluids
- Excessive sweating
- Cold, clammy, pale skin
- Weak and rapid pulse
- Nausea and vomiting
- Unconsciousness
- Blurred vision
- Dizziness
- Cramps in legs and abdomen
- Rest the worker in a cool place with feet and legs elevated
- Remove excessive clothing
- Loosen tight clothing at the neck and waist
- Give as much water as the individual will take
- If the casualty is vomiting give nothing by mouth, ensure an open airway and get medical help immediately
- If the casualty is unconscious, obtain medical help immediately, place person into the recovery position, monitor ABC’s and give first aid as needed
Heat stroke
Is a life threatening illness and has two forms:
- Classic – when the body’s temperature control fails
Exertional – occurs as a result of heavy physical exertion in high temperatures
- Body temperature rising rapidly to 40 degree Celsius and above
- Pulse weakens more and more over time
- Flushed, hot, skin may be dry or sweaty
- Noisy breathing
- Vomiting
- Restlessness
- Convulsions
- Unconsciousness
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Send for medical help immediately. Heat stroke is deadly
- Reduce body temperature immediately to prevent brain damage:
- Move person to a cool, shaded place
- Ensure a clear airway and adequate breathing
- Remove clothing
- Immerse in a cool bath and watch closely
- Sponge with cool water in armpit, neck, and groin area
- Cover with wet sheets and use a fan to cool air overtop
- When the body feels cooler to the touch, cover with a dry sheet
- Monitor temperature, if rises again – repeat procedure
- Give on-going casualty care until medical help arrives
- Place unconscious casualty in the recovery position
- Place conscious casualty in the shock position
K.C. Waunch is committed to maximizing environmental protection through the use of the 4 “R’s” – reduce, re-use, recycle, and recover.
Company management and employees will review waste streams and determine management options to minimize, as much as possible, the amount of wastes produced at work sites. Employees will also endeavour to use available facilities for recycling of suitable waste material. Recyclable materials will be segregated and transported to licensed facilities in compliance with the Transportation of Dangerous Goods regulations and any other applicable legislation.
Small volumes of reusable and recyclable materials will be stored in a safe manner and in compliance with all applicable laws.
Reduce: Generate less waste through more efficient practices.
- Order materials in bulk and in recyclable materials where possible to reduce the number of containers requiring disposal.
- Eliminate leaks or spills through proper equipment inspection and handling procedures.
- Separate waste into recyclable and non-recyclable categories to reduce disposal costs and facilitate recycling.
- Substitute non-hazardous materials from hazardous ones to reduce hazardous waste generation wherever possible.
Re-use: Generate less waste by re-using materials and containers.
- Send containers back to suppliers for refilling if and when possible.
- Re-use “consumable” items such as oily rags, pails, wherever possible.
Recycle: Minimize treatment and disposal of wastes by utilizing recycling facilities.
Most of the containers for products used by the company can be recycled. There are facilities that recycle the following:
- plastic containers – metal drums
- batteries – used oil
- cardboard – tanks
- metals – aerosol cans
- cutting oil
Recover: Minimize treatment and disposal of wastes.
Recover materials or energy used in other processes, e.g. water can be re-used at the rig. If the 4 “R’s” are not applicable to a particular waste, proper treatment and/or disposal is required and should be transported to an approved disposal or recycling facility.
All employees/contractors have the right to refuse to perform duties which are deemed to be unsafe or pose an imminent danger to that worker or any worker on that worksite.
When an imminent danger exists you can refuse work.
Notify your supervisor/employer at the worksite and state your reason for refusal.
The employer must investigate and take action to eliminate the danger. There must be a written record of your notification, the investigation, and the action taken. A copy of the report must be provided to you.
Wildlife hazards and awareness
While working near bear habitats, be alert and aware of your surroundings. Look ahead, check on wind direction, and stop and listen every so often. Watch for bear signs such as tracks and diggings. Try to see the bear before it sees you. In prime bear habitats where trees or bushes obscure visibility, announce your presence by making noise, using your voice, bells, air horns, or whistles. If possible, avoid very dense vegetation especially if there is fresh sign or obvious bear foods. If you see a bear enjoy it from a distance, give it time to leave, or detour around it. In the backcountry, store food and garbage in airtight containers. Use clean clothes that do not smell of food. Pack out your garbage and leftover food.
Not just bears! Other wildlife to consider
Elk can be aggressive and attack without warning. During the fall mating season (Aug-Sept) male are particularly belligerent. During the spring calving season (May-June) female elk aggressively defend their young. DO NOT approach elk in any season, as they are DANGEROUS.
Deer may aggressively seek food from campers and picnickers. They may lash out with the hooves when they feel either threatened or frustrated. Dogs seem to incite the wrath of female deer, and many attacks on pets and people have occurred. DO NOT feed or approach any animal.
Vehicle/Wildlife Collisions
SLOW DOWN for wildlife. Each year hundreds of animals are killed on highways. Animals are unpredictable – be alert while driving, especially at dusk or dawn, and watch for wildlife warning signs. Give yourself time to react and don’t overdrive your headlights – 70 km per hour is recommended for night driving. Report all collisions to the nearest park office or RCMP detachment.
Bison are DANGEROUS and UNPREDICTABLE. They may charge without warning. Stay in your vehicle and DON’T approach bison by the roadside. Keep at least 50 meters (150 feet) away at all times. Never come between two animals, particularly a female and her calf. Bison can weigh 2,000 pounds and spring at 50 km per hour, three times faster than you can run.
Cougar attacks on people are rare. Children and crouching adults are most at risk. Avoid being alone on hiking trails at dusk or dawn. Do NOT stare into a cougar’s eyes, run or crouch down. Back away slowly.
Ticks and Stinging Insects
Ticks are most active in spring and early summer particularly where ungulates congregate (valley bottoms and south facing slopes). Most ticks will be found before attachment occurs, by checking yourself and children daily. If a tick attaches itself to you and rashes or lesions form, or unexplained symptoms occur, consult your physician. Bees and wasps may be found at campgrounds and picnic sites. Ensure potential attractive foods such as sweet drinks and raw meat are left out as little as possible.
Be sure to include wildlife awareness on your first day on site and at orientations!
Travel safety
The standard of airlines and charter aircraft often cannot be determined beforehand. Some airlines are well known to have a better safety record than others and these will be chosen ahead of airlines with a known poor record, whatever the price implications, whenever there is such a choice. If there is little or no choice, advice will be taken from our appointed travel agent.
Twin-engine fixed wing and helicopters aircraft are preferred and non-use of these aircraft over water and jungle should always be questioned.
Travel Security Procedures
Office Procedures
The security risk in any particular country will be assessed by K.C. Waunch before any deployment of K.C. Waunch personnel. The office will make a “go/no go” decision for mobilization of any job on security grounds.
The following sources will be consulted:
- Government Travel Advice
K.C. Waunch recommends individuals check the advice provided by your home government. If no advice is given, we will consider advice available from the site below in the decision process. The primary sites are:
Canada Consular Affairs
United States State Department warnings.html
United Kingdom Foreign Office
Personnel are advised to visit these sites prior to travel and record contact details for local diplomatic representation at their destination.
There are three advisory categories given by governments. These are shown below, with the corresponding K.C. Waunch response:
Category |
Advisory |
K.C. Waunch response |
1 |
Most trips are problem free |
Go; no meet & greet (m&g) required |
2 |
Essential business trips only |
Go if client has acceptable m&g and other security arrangements |
3 |
No travel should be undertaken |
No go |
Note that the K.C. Waunch response is in principle only; exceptional circumstances may require an exceptional response.
The Client
The client may have local knowledge and experience that is often more relevant and current than the government advisories.
Other Consultancies
In the case of Category 2 destinations, the K.C. Waunch office will arrange the meet and greet service and provide contacts details to the traveller.
The traveller always has the last say!
Advice for Travellers
Travellers abroad should follow all local rules and guidelines provided by the client. Carriage of a tri-band GSM phone is advised.
When entering a Cat. 2 country, you should have the name of the person meeting you at the airport. Make sure that you meet the correct person. If someone is bearing a placard with your name, ask them the open question “What is your name?” do not ask “Is your name so-and-so”. Only proceed with the person if you are confident that he/she is the right one. If in doubt, contact the client locally.
Voltage (Line to Ground) |
Distance |
Alberta |
0-750 V Insulated or |
300 mm |
Above 750 V Insulated Conductors*/** |
1.0 m |
Up to 40kV |
3.0 m |
69kV, 72kV |
3.5 m |
138kV, 144kV |
4.0 m |
230kV, 240kV |
5.0 m |
500kV |
7.0 m |
British Columbia |
Up to 75kV |
3.0 m |
Saskatchewan |
75kV – 250kV |
4.6 m |
250kV – 550kV |
6.1 m |
Areas Under Federal |
Up to 75kV |
3.0 m |
Jurisdiction |
50kV – 120 kV |
4.5 m |
(Canada Labour Code) |
120kV – 250kV |
6.0 m |
250kV – 350kV |
7.5 m |
Over 350 kV |
9.0 m |
* Conductors must be insulated or covered throughout their entire length to comply with these groups.
** Conductors must be manufactured to rated and tested insulation levels.
K.C. Waunch supervisors will provide training in the safe handling of flammable and combustible substances.
- Flammable and combustible substances must be stored separately from ignition sources and must be stored separately from any substances they might react with.
- Flammable and combustible substances must be stored in containers approved to CSA Standard B376-M1980 (R2008), NFPA Standard 30 (2008 Edition) or ULC Standard C30-1995 if manufactured on or after July 1, 2009.
- If the contents of a conductive container must be transferred from one container to the other they must be electrically bonded to each or electrically grounded during the transfer.
- Contaminated material must be disposed of in a closed container.
- A class B (or ABC) fire extinguisher must be available when working near flammable and combustible liquids.
- A worker must not enter a work area if the lower explosive limit of a flammable or explosive substance in the atmosphere is greater than 10 percent.
The Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHMIS) is a national program designed to promote worker safety when working with potentially hazardous chemicals and products. Described as “controlled products”, these materials are known or suspected to have a potentially harmful effect on worker health or safety. WHMIS controlled products fall into six classes. The classes are identified by particular hazard symbols.
WHMIS legislation is in place to ensure that workers and employers have the information they need to work safely with the hazardous materials present at their work sites. Suppliers and employers must convey the hazards of controlled products through the use of labels, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), and training programs.
WHMIS Classification and Symbols
Suppliers and employers are responsible for deciding whether a product is controlled under WHMIS. When making this decision they must follow guidelines set out in the Controlled Product Regulation.
WHMIS is based on a simple classification system. Controlled products are described using six classes. Class B (Flammable and Combustible Material) and Class D (Poisonous and Infectious material) have a series of divisions for more specific classification.
Compressed Gas
- Material is contained under pressure
- Poses a potential explosion hazard if container is heated or damaged
- Liquefied compressed gases pose a potential frostbite risk through spills or leaks (e.g. Liquid Nitrogen)
Precautions to take:
- Secure container in an upright position
- Store in designated area only
- Handle with extreme caution
Combustible and Flammable Material
- Flammable Gas: Compressed Gas (Class A) which forms a flammable mixture with air at normal atmospheric pressure (e.g. propane).
Flammable Liquid: a liquid with a flash point of less than 37.8°C (100F) (e.g. methanol).
Combustible Liquid: a liquid with a flash point higher than 37.8°C but less than 93.3°C (200F)(e.g. diesel).
Flammable Solid: a solid that ignites readily and burns vigorously; or a solid that cause fire through friction or mechanical impact.
Flammable Aerosol
- Reactive Flammable Material: spontaneously combustible material, which emits a flammable gas on contact with water or water vapour (e.g. SPC12000)
- May catch fire or explode
- Flammable materials burn readily at relatively low temperatures
- Combustible materials will burn when they are heated
- May release a flammable gas on contact with water
Precautions to take:
- Keep material away from heat and ignition source
- Never smoke when working with or near the material
- Protect against static discharge (i.e. ground equipment) and mechanical impact.
Oxidizing Material
- Poses a fire and/or explosion risk in the presence of flammable or combustible material
- May react violently or cause an explosion when it comes into contact with materials such as fuels
- May burn skin and eyes upon contact
Precautions to take:
- Keep materials away from flammable and combustible materials
- Keep the material away from source of ignition and heat
- Never smoke when working near the material
- Wear the proper protective equipment, including eye, face and hand protection.
CLASS D, Division 1
Poisonous and Infectious Material: Immediate and Serious Toxic Effects
Subdivision A: Very Toxic Material
Subdivision B: Toxic Material
- Criteria for classification is based on acute toxicity test results for ingestion, inhalation or skin absorption of material.
May cause death or permanent injury:
- If swallowed
- If inhaled
- If absorbed through skin
Precautions to take:
- Handle the material with extreme caution
- Wear the proper protective equipment to avoid contact with skin or eyes
- Work in well-ventilated areas and/or wear the proper respiratory equipment to avoid inhalation
- Wash and shower thoroughly after using
- Store the material in designated areas only.
CLASS D, Division 2
Poisonous and Infectious Material: Other Toxic Effects
- May cause death or permanent injury as a result of repeated or prolonged exposure
Subdivision A: Very Toxic Material
- May cause cancer
- May cause birth defects or sterility
- May cause a respiratory allergy
Subdivision B: Toxic Material
- May cause eye or skin irritation
- May cause skin sensitization (chemical allergy)
Precautions to take:
- Avoid skin and eye contact by wearing all protective equipment necessary, including eye, face, and hand protection
- Avoid inhaling by working in well-ventilated areas and/or wearing the proper respiratory equipment as designated by your supervisor
- Store the material in designated areas only.
CLASS D, Division 3
Poisonous and Infectious Material: Biohazardous Infectious Material
- May cause a serious disease resulting in illness or death
Precautions to take:
- Take every measure to avoid contamination
- Handle the material only when fully protected by the proper designated equipment
- Handle the material in designated areas where engineering controls are in place to prevent exposure.
Corrosive Material
- Causes severe irritation or burns to skin and eyes upon contact
- May cause permanent tissue damage
- May be harmful if inhaled
Precautions to take:
- Wear all necessary personal protective equipment to avoid contact with skin or eyes
- Use only in well-ventilated areas and wear the proper respiratory equipment to avoid inhalation
- Keep containers tightly closed
Dangerously Reactive Material
- Material is very unstable
- May react with water to release a toxic or flammable gas
- May explode as a result of shock, friction or increase in temperature
- May undergo vigorous polymerization or decomposition
Precautions to take:
- Keep material away from heat
- Avoid contact with water
- Handle containers with extreme caution
- Store in designated areas only.
Supplier and Workplace Labels
Suppliers must place information labels on all containers of controlled products. The labels are required to have the following information in both English and French (see sample Supplier Label).
- Product Identifier: The brand name, code name, or code number given to the product by the supplier, or the chemical name, common name, generic name, or trade name. For example, bleach, the common name, may also be known by its chemical name, sodium hypochlorite; or, it may be known by a specific brand name given to it by the manufacturer, such as Javex.
Supplier Identifier: The name of the manufacturer or importer of the controlled product. The address and telephone number may also be added.
Reference to the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets): A statement to the effect that an MSDS is available. This is a reminder that more detailed information is available on the MSDS.
Hazard Symbol or Symbols: Symbols that depict the classification of the product according to its hazards and provides an immediate warning of the general dangers.
Risk Phrases: Phrases that explain more than the symbols do, about the nature of the hazard and the risks involved in misusing the product. For example, a product label bearing the symbol for Class B – Flammable and Combustible Material might also contain a risk phrase explaining: “Contact with water releases flammable gas.” This phrase gives specific risk information not conveyed by the symbol.
Precautionary Measures: The essential measures to be taken when using, handling, or working in the presence of a controlled product.
First Aid Measures: Phrases that explain what is to be done in case of exposure to the controlled product. These phrases refer to emergency situations when contact is made with a hazardous material and immediate action required.
Emergency telephone number: It is recommended that supplier labels provide a 24-hour emergency telephone number.
Typical Supplier Label and Required Content
Employers must enusre that supplier-provided containers of controlled products are labelled with WHMIS supplier labels. As long as a controlled product remains in its supplier-provided container, the supplier label must remain attached to the container and be legilble. If labels are missing or illegible they should be replaced with workplace labels.
For normal day-to-day use of controlled products, employers are required to furnish some form of workplace warnings such as labels, tags or markings. Although there is no specified format for workplace labelling and other forms of hazard warnings, infromation on safe handling and a product identifier (e.g. brand name, code name or the chemical name of the product) must be provided. Reference must also be made to the availability of a MSDS.
A workplace label is generally required whenever a controlled product is decanted from one container to another.”
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
The Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) is a document that provides detailed information about a controlled product. MSDS’s must be made available for all hazardous materials used in the workplace and readily available for employees. Additionally, MSDS’s are maintained electronically in the Canada view of the International MSDS database in Lotus Notes.
Most MSDS’s have the following categories:
- Product Information
- Hazardous Ingredients
- Physical Data
- Fire and Explosion Hazards
- Reactivity Data
- Toxicological Properties
- Preventive Measures
- First Aid Measures
- Classification Information
- Preparation Information
(Classification Information is not a required category)
- Product Information
The product identifier, a brief description of use, and the name of the manufacturer are usually included in this section. This section also includes a telephone number to call in case of emergency (i.e. a spill, fire, or exposure to workers). By calling this number, any additional information not contained in the MSDS will be provided. This is very important for health professionals, who can gain access to trade secret information not on the MSDS in order to treat a medical emergency related to the product.
Hazardous Ingredients
This section lists all the hazardous ingredients of the product by chemical name and the Chemical Abstracts Registry Number (CAS) number. The CAS number identifies a specific chemical in the product. The amount of the ingredient is usually given in Weight to Weight (W/W) percent. The W/W Percent is the ratio between the weight of the ingredient to the overall weight of the product. When available, toxicity data in the form of the Lethal Dose 50 (LD50), Lethal Concentration 50 (LC50), and the Threshold Limited Value (TLV) is provided for each ingredient.
LD50: The LD 50 corresponds to the quantity of the ingredient that results in the death of 50 percent of the test animals when administered to a test population by a specified route (i.e. orally or through skin absorption). For example, oral-rat, LD50: 200 mg/kg means that half of a test population or rats died when they swallowed a dose of 200 mg of the ingredient for every one kg of body weight.
LC50: Similar to the LD50, the LC50 refers to the concentration of the ingredient in air (expressed as ppm – parts per million – or mg/m3) which results in the death of half of a test population.
Note: the lower the LD50 or LC50, the greater the hazard because less of the ingredient is needed to kill the test animals.
TLV: The TLV is the concentration set out by regulatory agencies above which an individual should not be exposed.
- Physical Data
This section describes the physical properties of the product. These properties will give an indication of how the product will behave under certain conditions.
Physical State: Indicates whether the material is a gas, liquid, or solid at room temperature.
Odour and Appearance: A general description of the material.
Odour Threshold: Refers to the concentration of the product in air, usually ppm, at which most people will be able to detect it smell. When the odour threshold is just below or close to the safe exposure level (TLV), odour may be used as a warning property; however, it is important to realize that sensitivity to odour varies among individuals.
Specific Gravity: The density (weight) of the product compared to water. If the value is greater than 1.0, the product will sink in water; if less the 1.0, it will float. Most flammable substances have a specific gravity less than 1.0.
Vapour Density: the density (weight) of a vapour compared to air. When greater than 1.0, the vapour will sink and concentrate in low areas such as along the floor, in ditches, etc. That means the vapour may flow to a source of ignition and become a fire or health hazard. When the vapour density is less than 1.0, the vapour will rise.
Vapour Pressure: A measure of how much of a substance can accumulate as vapour above a liquid or solid. As a result, substance with high vapour pressures may produce a more serious vapour exposure and fire hazard than substances with low vapour pressures.
Evaporation Rate: The speed at which a liquid or solid turns into a vapour. The higher the evaporation rate, the more quickly a substance will produce a vapour hazard. The vapour pressure and evaporation rate together can be used to determine how quickly and how much of a liquid becomes a vapour. This may also give an indication of the potential vapour hazard.
Boiling Point: The temperature at which a liquid boils. It is important in determining the vapour exposure hazards posed by a substance. Substances with low boiling temperatures always have high vapour pressures; therefore, a low boiling point means that the substance will produce a vapour hazard.
Freezing Point: The temperature at which a liquid freezes. A pour point may be given in some cases.
pH: Indicates whether the product is a strong acid or alkali (base). A neutral substance has a pH of 7.0. The strongest acids have a pH of 0.0 to 3.0 and are corrosive to skin. Strong alkalis have a pH near 14.0 and are also corrosive to skin.
Solubility in Water: Usually given as the weight percent soluble in water, or just simply soluble or insoluble.
Coefficient of Water/Oil Distribution: A value of less than 1 means the product is more soluble in oils. A value of greater than 1 means it is more soluble in water.
- Fire or Explosion Hazards
This section, along with the information on the physical properties, gives a good indication of the potential fire hazards posed by the material. This section will explain in what situation the material could catch on fire, and the type of fire extinguisher that should be used to put it out.
Flash Point: The lowest temperature at which the vapours above a liquid will ignite in air when exposed to an ignition source. The lower the flashpoint, the greater the fire hazards because it means the vapours will ignite at a low temperature.
Flammable Limits: The Upper and Lower Flammable Limits (UFL, LFL) and Upper and Lower Explosive Limits (UEL, LEL) tell you that a vapour at a concentration between these limits will catch fire or explode when exposed to a flame, spark or other sources of ignition. Concentrations below the LFL or LEL are too weak and concentrations above the UFL or UEL are too rich (i.e not enough oxygen) to catch fire or explode. The values for the LEL, LFL, UEL and UFL are not exact dividing lines between safe and unsafe conditions, since slight differences in the method of measuring theses quantities can produce large differences in their values. Also note that when using two or more products which produce vapours, the resulting ELE, LFL, UEL and EFL for the mixture of vapours in the air will be different from the values found on the MSDS’s for the individual products.
Auto-ignition Temperature: The lowest temperature at which a material will catch fire without a source of ignition. For example, if the auto-ignition temperature is just above room temperature, then the material is a serious fire hazard.
Hazardous Combustion Products: The hazardous products that are released when a substance burns. The explosion data indicates if the product will explode when hit forcefully by an object or dropped (mechanical impact), or is sensitive to static electricity (static discharge).
- Reactivity Data
Some substances are unstable, that is, they react when heated or when they come into contact with another product. As a result, they may cause pressure build-up or increases in temperature, or they may release toxic or corrosive products.
Chemical Stability: Indicates a product’s stability under normal conditions of use.
Incompatible Materials: Materials which, when put in contact with the product, yield a dangerous reaction or hazardous reaction products. This information is important when storing and handling chemicals. For example, it is not a good idea to mix two chemicals that react by putting one chemical into an empty container that once held an incompatible material.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: Substance released when the material undergoes decomposition; that is, when it breaks down into simpler elements. Decomposition may occur thermally (when the product is heated) or by contact of the product with moisture.
- Toxicological Properties
This section highlights the routes by which a substance might enter the body. Symptoms of acute (immediate) or chronic (long-term) exposure are described. Other concerns with repeated or prolonged exposure include those listed below.
Sensitization: A serious or respiratory allergic response; for example, dermatitis or troubled breathing.
Carcinogenic: Whether the product or any of its components are proven or suspected to cause cancer in humans or test animals.
Mutagen: Whether the product has been shown to cause a change in the cells of humans or animals. Changes may or may not be passed on to future generations.
Teratogen: Whether the product can be toxic to unborn offspring without being toxic to the mother.
Reproductive Toxicity: Whether the product has been shown to cause changes in the reproductive ability of humans or animals.
Synergistic Products: these are other materials that increase the toxicity of a product. An example of a synergistic product would be one that increases the skin absorption of a toxic substance.
- Preventive Measures
This section details the specific engineering controls (ventilation, etc.) and/or personal protective equipment (protective goggles, respirators, chemical protective clothing, etc.) that are needed to work safely with the product. It also describes how to handle, store, ship, and dispose of the product safely, and what to do in case of a leak or spill.
- First Aid Measures
This section provides first aid measures that are required to minimize potentially serious or permanent injury to victims. The intent is to stabilize the individual until qualified medical help can be obtained.
- Classification Information
This section provides information useful in the completion of a TDG Loading Ticket. As well, it provides the IMO, IATA, and WHMIS classifications for the product or commodity.
- Preparation Information
This section identifies the person, department, or group responsible for preparing the MSDS and the date on which the MSDS was completed or revised. By law, the MSDS should never be more than three years old. If it is, inform your supervisor so that an updated MSDS can be obtained.
Responsibilities for WHMIS
Employer’s Responsibilities
- Classifying controlled products where the employer is the supplier.
- Evaluating WHMIS information provided by suppliers.
- Identifying hazards of controlled products through the use of label and MSDS.
- WHMIS training and information will be provided for all workers who work with or near controlled products
- Providing access to Material Safety Data Sheets for all controlled products.
Worker’s Responsibilities
- Participating in training and information programs provided by the employer.
- Following precautions, procedures, and instructions provided to ensure worker safety when handling controlled products.
Informing the employer of situations where adequate information or training has not been made available to ensure worker health and safety.
Short Service Workers
- New workers are defined as having less than six months experience in his/her present role.
- They will be under the direct supervision of a senior worker and will be monitored for compliance with HSE policies and procedures.
- New workers will be mentored by an experienced/knowledgeable supervisor and may not work alone.
- All subcontractors must adhere to the requirements of the new workers program.
Wellsite Geologists (WSGs)
Wellsite Geologists (WSGs) study rock cuttings from oil and gas wells as they are being drilled to determine what rock formations are being drilled into and how drilling should proceed, all the time building up knowledge of the structure being drilled. Identification of critical strata from core samples and rock-cutting data is the key task. They are experienced Geologists and decide when specialized test should be carried out to provide additional information and ultimately when to stop drilling. They also send the Operations Geologist frequent reports and logs of completed drilling and offer geological advice to oil company representatives.
- Analysing, evaluating and describing formations while drilling using cuttings, gas, FEMWD (Formation evaluation measurement while drilling) and wireline data
- Comparing data gathered during drilling with predictions made at exploration stage
- Advising operations personnel on site and in operations office
- Identifying lithostratigraphic formation boundaries, casing setting depths and coring points
- Calling for coring on shows and gas
- Advising on drilling hazards and drilling bit optimisation
- Taking full responsibility for making decisions about suspending or continuing drilling
- Supervising mud logging, FEMWD and wireline services personnel
- Monitoring quality control in relation to mud logging, FEMWD and wireline services
- Keeping detailed record and writing reports
- Undertaking evaluation of offset data before beginning drilling
- Maintain up-to-date knowledge of MWD (measuring while drilling) tools such as gamma and resistivity, as geosteering becomes increasingly important
- Liaising with drilling engineering, petroleum engineers and mud loggers.
- Training staff as required
- Acting, in effect, as the representative of the onshore oil company geology team
- Communicating with onshore operations office
- Ensuring transmission of logs and report
- Supervising one or more wells in the same area
- Follow all health and safety rules and regulations
- Must have at minimum a Bachelors degree in Geology, Earth Sciences, Geophysics or other equivalent degree
Must have undertaken the following safety training
- H2S Alive
- Standard First Aid and CPR (Red Cross)
- WHMIS 2015
- H2S Alive
- Must stay current in industry knowledge through either industry courses or individual research
- Govern overall direction of company
- Liaise with clients, especially high priority clients
- Final financial decision making
- Process accounting files for all department
- Responsible for cash balancing, banking reconciliation’s
- Process accounts receivables and collections
- Process accounts payable invoices
- Perform payroll calculations and initiate statutory remittances and reports
- Process receivables from manufacturer; co-op advertising, rebates, warranty claims
- Assist in preparation of monthly statement through reconciliation’s of carious accounts
- Assist in preparing fiscal year-end working papers for auditors
- Follow all health and safety rules and regulations
- Provide top quality administrative services to represent the company
- Handle all incoming telephone calls and take messages for personnel as assigned
- Maintain itineraries of specific staff and look after tasks that required immediate attention in their absence
- Make travel arrangements for staff
- Prepare outgoing mail for delivery to the post office
- Organize, open and distribute incoming mail
- Type all documents as assigned (correspondence, forms, etc.)
- Operate and see to the maintenance of office machines including: facsimile, typewriter, computer/work processor and copy machine
- Arrange required reports for vendors. Follow all health and safety rules and regulations
- Photocopy and prepare geological reports. Follow all health and safety rules and regulations
- Ensure health and safety resources are made available
- Follow all health and safety rules and regulations
- Assist in establishing policy and preparing the policy statements and or employee handbook
- Prepare/Manage HSE program
- Schedule WSG for safety programs
- Prepare/Establish Policy
- Incident/Accident Investigation
- Ensure that all licenses, property and liability insurance are acquired/renewed; government filing/reporting deadlines are met; all departments are complying with applicable statutes/by-laws
- Manage and organize WSG placement and timing
- Insure all necessary steps are taken to successfully run the job
- Advertising/Marketing
- Setting up meeting with clients
- Review geology reports
- Scheduling of jobs
- Hiring/Firing
- Discipline
- Organize the financial resources of the business; implement necessary controls; maintain accurate records; prepare files for audit. Ensure the data processing capabilities and integrity of information
- Analyze and decipher financial statements on a regular basis. Complete and prepare financial statements by a specified day each month
- Participate in meetings with management monthly to review the financial statements and advise on any required improvements to be made
- Plan the short and long term profit projections for the company
- Communicate on an on-going basis with the President to keep abreast of the cash situation of the business. Create and maintain an effective cash management system. Preserve the loss reserves for possible liabilities and trade receivable
- Liaise with corporate auditors regarding their needs for year end audit. Liaise with corporate bankers and ensure the receive Accounts Receivable statements on a timely basis
- Administer the payroll function, govern employee benefit programs and maintain personnel records
- Assist in establishing policy and preparing the policy statements and/or employee handbook
- Hold a Bachelor Degree in a geosciences related discipline
- Undergo all relevant safety training courses as laid out for wellsite geologists
- Undertake additional training on safety program development and implementation from a recognized industry partner
A corporate safety program must be considered a “live” program in order to contend with changing procedures, ideas, attitudes and other operational variables that occur as a company grows and prospers. To achieve this, an amendment procedure is required to update and ensure that the program remains current.
Amendments will be considered as concerns are identified. The amendments may result from K. C. Waunch Employee/management communication about internal concern areas. There may be changes to Government regulations or primary contractor requirements to which K.C. Waunch must comply with.
Regardless of the source of concern, all or part of the Safety Program may require amendments from time to time.
The following information lists the basic steps required to make an amendment to a portion of the Safety Program:
- Define the specific concern
- List all reasonable actions that will address and eliminate or control the concern
- Delegate a person responsible for collecting information
- Performing research and writing the initial draft change
- The management of K.C. Waunch comprising the President and one other will be ultimately responsible for approving and implementing the proposed amendment
- The amendment will be communicated to all concerned parties
- Copies of the amendment, date of implementation and instructions must be attached to all copies of the Corporate Manual
New Safe Work Procedures
Occasionally a new Safe Work Procedure will have to be developed to identify and control hazards encountered during a new or different task. The following information lists the basic steps required to ensure that the Company is doing everything possible to safeguard workers, property and the environment.
- Identify the specific hazard or combination of hazards that make it dangerous
- Quantify the hazard. How much is there?
- Determine the worker/hazard interface. How close will the worker come to it?
- Identify the worker and management responsibilities and job description with respect to the specific task
- List all reasonable engineering procedures and equipment that would eliminate or reduce the hazard
- List the specific qualifications required for each worker involved in the task
- List the site and the PPE required to perform the task
- Outline the step-by-step work procedures
- Identify the specific work procedures that are new or unfamiliar to the workers
- Develop or identify the necessary worker training programs
Prepare a draft of the work procedure. Ask yourself these questions:
- Is it necessary?
- Will it work?
- Is it simple?
- Is it necessary?
The Management Team will ultimately be responsible for approving the proposed work procedure.
This section details K.C. Waunch’s commitment to ongoing inspection and the continuing pursuit of safety excellence.
Safety inspections
Safety inspections of company activities and company owned work sites and equipment will be performed periodically by management to identify unsafe acts and conditions that could potentially cause or create injuries or property damage.
The inspections are a gauge by which the employees and consultants can determine how effective they are in promoting safety attitudes and actions in the workplace. The inspections will be performed by supervisors and are designed to acknowledge good, acceptable performances, as well as unacceptable performances.
The frequency of these inspections will be determined by management in order to comply with the applicable Alberta Regulations.
The inspection report is designed for Company use and is not intended to replace accepted reports or inspection forms developed for specific situations or designed to comply with specific Alberta Regulations.
Office Inspections
Management shall inspect the office and any defects shall be corrected.
Personal Protective equipment is not required by office staff as long as their work is done in the office only. Power cords and electric machines should be looked at to ensure that cords and outlets are in good condition. Power cords shall be run in a place where there is no danger of anyone tripping on them, or hooking office furniture on them.
Safety audits
Safety audits are performed at least yearly to determine the effectiveness of the general safety program.
K.C. Waunch will perform a company safety audit annually. The audit report will be filed in the office. Topics that will be evaluated and included in the safety audit are:
- Job safety performance
- Incident reports
- Incident investigation reports
- WCB accident reports and compensation information
- Effectiveness of Corporate Safety Program
- Safety attitude/behaviour of workers, supervisors
- Acceptability of Corporate Safety Program with respect to primary contractors.
This section contains K.C. Waunch’s training requirements for all personnel.
K.C. Waunch is committed to working in a safe manner. To accomplish this, we must employ only people committed to helping us maintain a safe work place.
An integral part of working safe is being skilled at your job. To ensure our employees become skilled, K.C. Waunch will provide intense training and upgrade training as our company grows and changes.
Areas we will concentrate our training on are:
- Safe driving
- Safe workplace
- Communication skills
- Hazard Identification and Control
- Incident/Accident Investigation
- Client Policies
All designated consultants of K.C. Waunch will have:
- TDG (Recommended)
- H2S Alive (Mandatory)
- Survival Courses for off-shore including Sea Survival, HUET & Fire Fighting (where required)
- Standard First Aid and CPR (Mandatory)
- WHMIS (Mandatory for all field personnel)
- Hazard ID and Control (Mandatory)
- Appropriate Class of Driver License (Mandatory)
- IRP 16/PST (Mandatory)
- WCB Clearance (Mandatory – Province/TerritoryAppropriate)
- Appropriate country specific requirements (where required)
- Audiometric Evaluations (Recommended)
- Defensive Driving (Recommended)
- Off Road Driving (Recommended)
- All Client required specific certifications will be adhered to
Training Requirements
Management Training
Management personnel will receive training through several methods including attending safety courses, seminars and meetings and years of hands-on experience.
Employees will receive training from management through worker orientation, safety meetings, newsletters, etc.
Worker Training
As a requirement of current Alberta Regulations and to ensure that you are properly trained for your job, the following training may be required:
Training Program Frequency of Re-Training
(Industry Standards)
Worker Orientation Upon Hire and As Required
WHIMIS 3 years
Emergency Response Procedures 1 year
First Aid/CPR 3 years
Incident/Accident Reporting As Required
Specific Job Procedures As Required
Hazard ID and Control As Required
H2S Alive 3 years
When the term “as required” is used to determine the frequency of re-training, it is assumed that the worker will have or will receive the initial training as he/she is hired. The need for any subsequent training will be determined by management.
Many of the required training courses can be procured from independent consulting firms or training institutions. These courses however, tend to provide general information only. First aid providers must be certified.
Qualified employees will conduct “on the job training”. The employee will have to verify the new workers competency prior to allowing him to work on his own.
Management will check training records monthly, in order to keep them up to date. The records will be filed in the office.
K.C. Waunch will evaluate each course syllabus to determine the effectiveness of the course material. Additional on-site training may be required to complete the training requirements. A training record will be maintained on each worker. Training records will be checked monthly to determine the requirements for worker training.
The “Initial Worker Orientation” training can be the most important program for both the worker and the supervisor. This training outlines the safety policies and procedures to the worker including an overview of the safety manual. At the end of the orientation, the worker will be more aware of his personal responsibilities with regard to his specific job and the Company in general. The supervisor will be able to gauge the workers attitude to safety and identify any limitations that could affect the worker’s ability to perform adequately within the existing structure of the company.
ALL employees and consultant personnel must complete an orientation and fill out the Acknowledgement for Orientation. This form will be provided by the company.
Employees and consultants of K.C. Waunch will receive a safety orientation. This will help workers become familiar with our Safety Program and our job description. Follow employers and consultants handbook.
This orientation will cover:
- Company safety policies and rules
- Workers responsibility to wear appropriate work clothing
- Certain job hazards
- Job description
- Our enforcement policy
- Workers right to refuse to do unsafe work
- Other hazards that may occur on location
- First aid supplies readily available on location
This orientation will occur immediately upon hiring and before new employees go on a job.
Safety orientation will cover procedures, rules, safety company expectations and will explain our commitment to working safe and efficiently.
Safety Responsibilities
As outlined in the COMPANY SAFETY POLICY, it is the responsibility of all employees to strive for a continued high level of safety awareness in the day-to-day operations of the company. The specific responsibilities of workers and management will vary from time to time depending on a particular situation.
Management Responsibilities (General)
As an oilfield service company, K.C. Waunch has the opportunity to work for many different oil and gas exploration and production companies. The majority of these companies have safety programs in place. K.C. Waunch will comply with the terms and conditions of the primary contractor’s safety program and wishes of the on-site primary contractor’s representative, unless it is determined by mutual consent that K.C. Waunch’s “SAFE OPERATING PROCEDURES” exceed the established standards and are better able to protect the workers, property, material and the environment.
All K.C. Waunch contactors agree to follow the guidelines of the HSE Program laid out by K.C. Waunch, and all the policies of the client as stated above.
The Management’s Responsibilities are as follows:
- Provide information and instruction to employees to protect their health and safety by complying with the policies, industry standards, code of practice and legislation requirements.
Investigate all incidents to initiate preventative measures to eliminate the reoccurrence of similar incidents in the future.
Enforce company policies, procedures and legislation as per our safety program.
Provide employees and sub-contractors with the proper tools, equipment and materials to perform their job safely.
Ensures monthly safety meeting are conducted with employees to discuss any safety concerns.
Ensure all inspections are carried out identifying hazards for the purpose of improving safety.
The Safety Administrator Responsibilities are as follows:
- Promote effective communication – listening as well as talking.
To know the need to establish and maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
To know the hazards associated with the work performed.
To interpret the rules, procedures and work practices for controlling hazards that cannot be eliminated by the workers.
To keep up to date with the rules and regulations that applies to K.C. Waunch.
To know and train employees on K.C. Waunch’s occupational health and safety policies, procedures and practices.
Investigate accidents and close calls; take the corrective action to prevent recurrences.
Before workers are sent to a work site, arrangements must be in place for transportation of injured or ill workers to the nearest health care facility
The Employee Responsibilities are as follows:
- Employees are responsible for complying with K.C. Waunch’s safety policy, safe work practices, rules, job procedures, maintenance program, legislation and industry standards. You are required to notify the management of any process disturbance or incident that has, or may have a detrimental effect on personnel, equipment, materials or the environment (Incident report form).
Report any injuries, safety violations, accident/incidents, including near misses, unsafe work conditions and practices to the supervisor or designate for reporting and subsequent investigation.
Know the location and use of all emergency and safety equipment on the worksite. Wear and use the appropriate PPE to prevent any injuries as per the task being performed. See that first aid equipment and supplies are maintained in a clean, dry, serviceable condition and in a material that protects contents from the environment and clearly identifies it as first aid equipment and supplies.
Work in a conscientious manner with regard to the health and safety of yourself and other workers who may be affected by your actions.
Perform only the tasks that you are qualified for. All employees are only required to work within their capabilities. Remember, that you have a “RIGHT TO REFUSE” any unsafe job.
Correct any unsafe condition that he/she finds at the workplace.
Assist subordinates as required, to learn new skills or correct procedures.
Maintain a safe workplace by following good housekeeping and safe work practices.
The Consultants Responsibilities are as follows:
All sub-contractors will be required to comply with industry-accepted practices, standards, and legislation and company policies as they relate to workers health and safety when working for K.C. Waunch.
- See Employee’s Responsibilities above
- See Sub-Contractors Safe Work Procedures (In Procedures Section)
Safety Orientation Documentation
On completion of the orientation process, the orientation forms will be placed in each employees file and a general orientation file.
On the job training will be done on an ongoing basis as conditions and equipment changes. Many topics for on the job training will include:
- Company and regulatory requirements
- Work procedures
- Equipment operation
- Proper use of tools
- Use of personal protective equipment
- Emergency response procedures
- Duties on location
- Pre job safety meetings
- Hazard Identification and Controls
- Investigations
Training records and achievements will be kept on file to ensure employees are kept current on new equipment and procedures. Training programs will be monitored to ensure they are effective and employees will be evaluated to see if training is being followed.
Observe a Worker Doing a Job for the First Time
- Review steps
- Review tools
- Review hazards
- Observe and correct
- Discuss job with worker
This section contains K.C. Waunch’s Emergency Response Planning Elements including ERP Maps, Policies and Procedures, Fire Safety and First Aid Information.
Emergency Response Plan
K.C. Waunch is committed to carrying on its business at the highest achievable standards to protect the health and safety of employees, the public and the environment. To achieve this, we have our Safety Manual that includes specific policies and procedures.
However, should an unforeseeable event take place, we have developed an Emergency Response Plan (E.R.P.) to ensure prompt and efficient action is taken.
The E.R.P. outlines the responsibilities and required actions of the company in the event of an emergency situation occurring. An emergency situation is any incident that has the potential to cause immediate harm to the workers, property, public and/or the environment.
Emergencies do not occur as a planned event. Therefore, we suggest that all personnel who are identified in this section by either name or job description review the information closely so that they will be able to re-act positively in an Emergency situation.
All new hires will be supplied a copy of the E.R.P. during their orientation and will be instructed as to the importance and implementation of the plan as well as the specific responsibilities within the plan.
In an emergency situation, time is the most critical factor in prompt implementation of an emergency response plan. The quicker the initiation – the more orderly the operation. The first responder to the incident/accident must activate the plan immediately.
An emergency response plan must be considered a “live” program in order to achieve a reasonable level of success should an emergency occur. To maintain the plan in the best possible condition, the following steps are to be taken:
- Company representative should contact each Government Agency and every contractor every 12 months to ensure that the telephone number is correct and that the agency or company is still able to provide the required support.
- If there are any changes to the manual, all changes shall be distributed to all plan holders and an acknowledgement form of delivery provided.
- All contractors shall observe worksite conditions, equipment, personnel and procedures to assess potential emergencies
The Operations Manager will receive a call of the incident. You will immediately advise him of all of the details of the incident.
Information recorded should include the following:
- Date and time of incident reported
- Name, address and phone number of person reporting the incident
- Information obtained from the reporting person
- Location of the site
- Actions taken by other on site
- Admit no guilt and assume no responsibility
- Refer any media questions to the designated manager
Definitions of Emergencies
The size and type of an Emergency is determined by its potential to cause harm to workers, property, public and the environment. Difference emergencies will require slightly different response strategy. This section lists the common types of emergencies that may occur to K.C. Waunch.
Injuries to Workers
Injury to a worker requiring first aid without the necessity of immediate medical aid to maintain life functions
- “Serious” injury or fatality of a worker or an accident having the potential to cause a “serious” injury.
NOTE: If a fatality occurs, it is imperative that the scene in NOT disturbed until a representative of the R.C.M.P. or Workplace Health and Safety completes their initial inspection unless:
- It is necessary to administer first aid to other workers
- There is a continued danger to workers and/or the public
Vehicle Accident
- Motor vehicle accident with an estimated damage of less than $1,000.00
- Motor vehicle accident with estimated damages in excess of $1,000.00
- Vehicle fire or load fire
Environment Incident
- Spill of non-toxic material
- Spill of dangerous goods
Property Damage
- Fires in and around buildings and equipment
- Vandalism
Fire Emergency Procedures
Each office building or other workplace shall have a posted Fire Emergency Procedure. All employees shall be made familiar with this procedure.
Regular exercises or fire drill shall be conducted to ensure optimum fire fighting and evacuation preparedness. A semi-annual frequency is recommended.
Each work activity shall be evaluated for fire hazard to ensure that the proper Fire Retardant Clothing (FRC) is available and being worn for that activity.
At the Office
If an emergency arises in our home/office building, use normal procedures. For example:
- Evacuate the building (Take a “roll call” at the Emergency Muster Point to ensure everyone is out and safe – also instruct all employees to close their office doors as they depart to easily illustrate that they have evacuated)
- Call the fire department
- Call management
- Keep area clear
- Extinguish fire if possible with fire extinguisher
DO NOT put yourself or anyone else in danger
On Location
As we are always working on location with a prime contractor, we must follow their safety policies and evacuation procedures. These policies and procedures are pointed out at the pre job safety meeting. If any concerns arise, or if you are unsure of any emergency procedures, ask the oil company representative for clarification.
Fire Prevention
All employees shall be constantly on the alert for conditions which might contribute to a fire and to remove or report the hazard.
Oily rags, waster material, paper, and other combustible materials shall be stored in metal containers. These containers shall be emptied regularly.
Do not use gasoline or other “flammable” liquids as degreasing or cleaning agents. Use only approved solvents or other combustible liquids.
Fire Fighting Equipment
All employees shall know the location of firefighting equipment and extinguishers in their work area. Access to any firefighting equipment must never be blocked by any material, equipment or vehicles.
All equipment shall be inspected at least monthly to ensure that it is in place, accessible, and fully charged. Further inspection and maintenance shall be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction.
Never return a discharged fire extinguisher to its normal location. Take it out of service for recharging and replace it with a fully charged unit.
Never use water on fixtures that contain live electrical circuits, such as an electrical breaker pan.
Fire Extinguishers
Fires can cause downgrading incidents with resultant losses manifested by human suffering, property damage, work interruption and financial loss. In order to prevent fires and to extinguish small fires effectively, workers should understand the basic elements of a fire and the different classes of fires.
A fire will occur when the three elements of a “FIRE TRIANGLE” are present. They are:
The basic principle in fire extinguishments is to remove one or more of the elements of the “Fire Triangle”. If the “Fire Triangle” is not complete, a fire will not occur.
Fires can be very complex depending on the material involved, size and location of the fire. Fires are classified into 4 main classes based on the type of fuel involved. This classification is very beneficial when the subject of fire extinguishment is concerned. Fire extinguishers can be more effective against some fires than others. In certain cases a fire extinguishing material may actually aid the fire. Employees of K.C. Waunch will receive training on fires and fire extinguisher procedures.
Fire Classes Extinguishers
A – Ordinary combustibles ABC Dry Chemical
(wood, paper, rags) Water, Sand
B – Rising Vapour Liquids ABC or BC Dry Chemical
(petroleum products) Water mist, CO2, Foam
Shut off the flow
C – Energized Electricity ABC or BC Dry Chemical
Turn off the power
D – Combustible Metals AFFF Foam
(magnesium, titanium)
See next page for fire extinguisher chart
Fire Fighting Procedures
- Protect yourself and other people
- Sound an alarm
- Select the proper extinguisher and use it correctly
Do NOT endanger yourself or others!
First Aid General Procedures
All first aid cases shall be recorded in the “Record of Injuries” booklet located in each truck or the logbook in the office.
Employees should be familiar with techniques of First Aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the means of summoning emergency medical aid.
Each workplace shall have, as a minimum, the required number of trained First Aiders as required by federal and/or provincial regulations.
Consultants are responsible for providing complete first aid supplies and facilities as required under the OH&S First Aid Regulations.
Employees shall be familiar with the location and contents of the First Aid kits at their workplace and in their vehicle.
Contents of the First Aid kits shall be inspected regularly and expended or outdated items replaced.
This section contains the tools and methods used by K.C. Waunch to investigate, track and correct any work place accidents, incidents or near misses.
Incidents: are defined as near misses or almost an accident and occupational illnesses.
Accidents: cause damage or injury to a person or property and cause loss of production.
At K.C. Waunch all incidents and accidents are to be reported to the safety supervisor or management. All reports will be investigated by K.C. Waunch to determine cause. Incident and Accident reporting and investigation should be view as “fact-finding” rather than a “fault finding” activity. Therefore, the primary purpose is to determine the cause(s) of the incident/accident so that a recurrence may be avoided.
K.C. Waunch will participate in all subcontractors incident investigations.
Investigation of incidents and accidents will be the responsibility of the safety supervisor and results will be thoroughly studied.
The investigation will include collecting and assembling evidence. Things we will be looking for are any failed parts, any paperwork pertaining to the incident or accident (e.g. tool reports, pressure tests, and vehicle inspections). Also, we will talk to and take statements from any persons around the situation and their proximity to what happened.
Any evidence collected will be thoroughly analyzed to see if we can determine any cause or equipment failures that any have contributed to the incident/accident.
After we thoroughly investigate the incident or accident we can make recommendations to prevent any reoccurrence. A written report will be made and presented to management for evaluation. After evaluation we can make any corrections or changes to our procedure and equipment that may help prevent another situation. All Incidents involving consultants will be reported to clients.
Types of Events to Report
Employees and Consultants should report the following types of events to the safety supervisor.
- Any injury or illness that prevents workers from doing his or her job
- Any injury that required medical attention
- Any event that causes property or vehicle damage or damage to the environment
- All incidents/accidents or near misses
- All industrial diseases (i.e. hepatitis A & B, inhalation of asbestos, exposure to H2S)
Reports of the above events shall be written or prepared immediately as to ensure the most accurate or information is submitted. These reports will be kept on file to ensure regulatory compliance.
Reports will have the following information included:
- Names of persons included
- Locations, date, time of incident or accident
- Names of victims and description of injuries
- Diagrams or photos
- Written description of events
- Estimate of cost or damages
- Events leading up to incident or accident
Incident Reporting and Investigation
An “Incident” is defined as any downgrading, unforeseen occurrence that cause or had the potential to cause:
- Personal injury and/or
- Property damage
Incidents are classed in the following ways:
- nothing happens but, given a different set of circumstances, injuries or property damage could result
- partial or permanent disability
- property damage above a certain cost (suggested $250.00)
environmental and/or social impact
All incidents exact a price; this price can be manifested in reduced efficiency, pain and suffering and/or loss of money and time.
The reason for an incident investigation is to determine the cause(s) of an incident in order to prevent the incident from recurring. It is not designed to lay blame.
The site of the incident is not important. It has been proven that large, serious accidents were preceded by a number of seemingly unimportant incidents.
All incidents and accidents will be reported to management promptly for investigation. All documentation will be kept on file for future reference.
Incidents occurring while working for a client must be reported to the clients company.
Every detail of the incident must be reported and documented.
Injury and Incident Reaction Procedures
- protect yourself from risk
- administer necessary First Aid, remove the victim from danger
- secure the area to prevent further injuries and/or property damage
- report all injuries and property damage to a supervisor as soon as possible
- record ALL First Aid Treatment in First Aid Record Book
- complete WCB Form C060, “Worker’s Report of Accident” and send it to the WCB
- notify Workplace Health & Safety for any serious injury, leak or spill that has the potential to cause a serious injury
- ensure that WCB Form C040, “Employer’s Report of Accident or Industrial Disease” is completed and sent to the WCB within 72 hours. Complete a K.C. Waunch Incident Investigation Form with 72 hours of the incident.
Accident/Incident/Injury Reporting Requirements
In all cases of injury the worker shall promptly obtain necessary first aid treatment then notify his immediate lead operator on location.
Serious injuries and any injury requiring hospitalization or immediate doctor’s care shall be reported immediately by telephone to the Manager. First aid or minor injury accidents must be recorded and reported to the Manager upon return to the office, either by telephone or in person.
If medical attention is sought regarding a work related injury, ask the attending physician for the employee’s copy of the “WCB Doctors First Report of Injury” form which is to be forwarded to your manager. The form specifies the type of duties that can be performed (normal or modified), work restrictions that may apply and, if disabled beyond the day of the accident, approximate length of layoff.
For all work related injury accident/incident/injuries, the employee shall complete the Worker’s Report of Injury or Occupational Disease form and submit the form within 72 hours of the incident. For all work related injury accidents, and incident investigation form is to be completed by the employee and forwarded to the manager.
In cases when the employee is disabled beyond the day of the accident/incident/injury, the manager shall complete the Employer’s Report of Injury or Occupational Disease form, and submit the form to the Head Office.
All Workers’ Compensation forms copies, a copy of the Company Accident Report for and if the employee is disabled beyond the day of the accident, the K.C. Waunch payroll form are to be completed.
Motor Vehicle Collision/Accidents Reporting Requirements
All vehicle accidents must be reported in person or by telephone as soon as possible to the nearest Manager.
The following information will be required:
- Is there personal injury?
- What is the possible severity?
- What happened (provide a brief description)?
- Is it a collision with a vehicle of a second party?
- What is the known damage to the property of others?
- What is the damage to the company vehicle, rented vehicle or personal car used in company business?
- Are the police making a report of the accident?
- Is there environmental damage?
K.C. Waunch’s Accident Reports must be completed in detail by the driver and reviewed by a Manager. The reviewed form will then be forwarded to the office within 72 hours of the time of the accident.
The designated employee will conduct a preliminary accident investigation and complete the Company Accident Report. In the event of a serious accident, the lead operator is to ensure that witness’s statements are taken and the site remains isolated for follow-up investigations.
A K.C. Waunch Company Accident Report carried in all company business vehicles is to be used at the accident scene to assist you in getting all the information (from the third party). All vehicle accidents will be investigated as soon as possible after their occurrence. Upon receiving a call from an employee, the Manager shall determine the extent of the accident investigation that will be required. The determining factors will be based on location, severity, involvement of people, etc.
Near Miss Reporting
All near miss incidents with the potential for causing serious injury and/or equipment damage shall be reported immediately to the Manager. Following the event, the employee involved with the assistance of the manager shall fill out a Company Near Miss Form. A copy of the report shall be forwarded to the office.
Environment Damage Report
All releases with the potential for an adverse effect or having an adverse effect, as defined by K.C. Waunch E.R.P., must be reported immediately. In the event of a “Dangerous Goods” occurrence on a public roadway, on public property, or on roads open to the public or to workers, K.C. Waunch Dangerous Goods Emergency Response Plan shall be initiated.
Occupational Health & Safety Reporting Requirements
Although provincial/federal regulations vary slightly, K.C. Waunch is legally required to report all serious injury accidents and all accidents having the potential of causing serious injury to the appropriate government agency. In the event of a serious injury or near miss incident the scene must not be disturbed until the applicable authorities have granted permission. Exceptions where one may disturb an accident scene would be:
- To attend to persons injured or killed;
- To prevent further injury;
- To protect property that is endangered as a result of the accident.
All injuries and serious incidents are to be reported immediately to the Manager. The Manager will notify the appropriate authorities as required.
Accident/Incident/Injury Investigation
The primary reason for investigating accidents/incidents/injuries is to determine the direct or indirect cause, so as to prevent any further reoccurrence of similar incidents. The cooperation of all employees involved is required to determine unsafe conditions, acts or work practices.
Understand that the objective of the accident/incident/injury investigation is to identify and implement corrective measures. The employees will complete the initial investigations.
The Manager will complete a follow up investigation of incidents/injuries.
Incidents/injuries that require investigations are as follows:
- Personal injuries resulting in medical aid or disability beyond the day of the accident/incident. (Medical air injuries are categorized as those required treatment by a doctor or at a medical facility).
- First aid cases, or no-injury incidents (near mishaps), if there is potential for serious injury, and
- All significant damage/loss incidents that necessitate the repair or replacement of equipment for reasons other than normal wear and tear.
Following the initial investigation, an “Accident/Incident/Injury Review Committee” shall review the accident/incident/injury further. The function of the Committee is to review the findings, categorize the accident or incident and the make recommendations aimed at preventing a reoccurrence. Recommendations for prevention are forwarded on to the designated Managers for implementation.
Serious Injury/Accident Investigation Guidelines
Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act we have a responsibility to report Serious Injuries and Accidents as defined in Section 13 (1.1) to Alberta Office or, Occupational Health and Safety, as soon as possible following the injury or accident.
The Act also requires that the scene of a serious injury or accident be left undisturbed until authorized by an Alberta Office Director of Inspection, a provincial Occupational Health and Safety Officer or a peace officer. Exceptions to this are when attending to persons injured or killed, preventing further injury, or protecting property that is endangered as a result of the accident. Section 14(1) of the Act requires employers to cooperate with a provincial Occupational Health and Safety Officer in the event that Alberta Office considers it necessary to become directly involved in the investigation of the accident. Where multiple jurisdictions are involved (i.e. Alberta Office, Ministry of Transport, Police Service, etc.), it is the responsibility of these jurisdictions to address investigation protocol and control of site issues at the scene. The employer/employer representative should be aware of decisions made, but must not interfere in this investigative process.
Where a serious injury or accident occurs, employers are also required under Section 13(1.2) of the Act to carry out an accident investigation, prepare a report, and ensure that a copy of the report is readily available to Alberta Office.
Procedures for the immediate verbal notification of serious accidents are outlined in the “Accident/Incident Investigation and Reporting Procedure”. The preliminary report is to be filed with the office, within twenty-four hours of the accident/incident. The full report must be within five days. A suggested distribution list should be attached to the completed report. All information determined at a later date to be pertinent to the investigation should be attached as an addendum.
In the event that the incident may give rise to a lawsuit, the reports are to be reviewed by legal counsel. The Manager, will then coordinate a further review and subsequent release of all reports to Alberta Office and stakeholders.
Examples of situations of this type include:
- If the accident results or involves an injury to a third party (a person who is not an employee) or damage to property belonging to a third party;
- If the accident gives rise to substantial damage to K.C. Waunch owned property, and;
- Where the accident involves injury to a K.C. Waunch employee and may have been caused by the fault of somebody who is not an employee or employer under the WCB Act.
The following footnote should also be added to each page: “This report is prepared for the information of K.C. Waunch Solicitor in the event of possible future legal action against K.C. Waunch. As such, this document and its contents are subject to solicitor client privilege. Neither the document nor its contents may be disclosed in whole, by excerpt, paraphrase or summary without the express written consent of K.C. Waunch”. The report for Alberta Office is then developed based on the information contained in this investigation report. Copies of all reports are to be forwarded to the Manager.
In the event that the incident involves physical injury to a K.C. Waunch employee only and there is no likelihood of a lawsuit as outlined above, the reports are to be filed with the Manager. The Manager will review the report and may consult with K.C. Waunch legal counsel, to determine the following:
- Does the report contain information that is sensitive or could be detrimental to K.C. Waunch?
- Should the distribution of the report be restricted in any way?
- Should a separate report be developed and forwarded to Alberta Office, Occupational Health & Safety?
If the response to any of the above questions is “YES”, the Manager, and K.C. Waunch legal counsel, the Department initiating the report will jointly determine the appropriate disposition of the report, including satisfying any requirements under Occupational Health & Safety or other legislation.
If the response to all of the above questions is “NO”, the Manager, will provide copies of the report to the parties identified on the suggested distribution list.
Statistics and Record Keeping
The terms record keeping and statistics refer to the methods of recording and tracking the safety performance of K.C. Waunch. All documentation pertaining to the safety performance will be retained for future reference.
First Aid Documentation
All injuries and illnesses must be reported to the supervisor immediately.
An injury must be recorded in a record book provided for that purpose and must include:
- Date and time of injury
- Date and time injury reported
- Injured workers full name
- Date of birth of injured worker
- Sex of injured worker
- Location and description of the cause of injury
- Description of injury
- First aid treatment rendered
- Name of first aid person
The record book described shall be kept for at least three years from the date of the last entry. Ref: Alberta OH&S First Aid Regulations, Section 15(1-2)
Accident Investigation Reports
All accident investigation reports will be filed by date and retained for two years after the accident or injury. Ref: Alberta OH&S Act. Section 13
Workers Compensation Board Reporting
The employer’s report of accident will be completed and filed with the board within 72 hours of the accident. Ref: Alberta WCB Act, Section 28(1)
The employee’s report of accident is the responsibility of the employee to fill out and file with the board. Ref: Alberta WCB Act, Section 27(1)
All reports submitted to the WCB will be photocopied and filed in the employee file and WCB file.
-K. C. Waunch will tailor a return to work plan that meets the needs of the worker and their recovery
-K. C. Waunch will maintain communications with the injured worker and WCB throughout the recovery process